Pulsar screw jams

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Kevin S

Jul 4, 2024, 10:29:49 AMJul 4

At our university we've been printing with a pulsar extruder mounted on a KUKA robot.
Very often the screw jams, it is not consequent, and happens from time to time.
Also when passing 17 RPM it ticks and jams.

Is there a way to fix this? 
The material is dried and suitable for granulate extrusion.
Also the recommended temperature zones are being used.

WhatsApp Video 2024-07-04 at 16.28.13.mp4

Technical Support

Jul 9, 2024, 10:00:51 AMJul 9
to kevin...@gmail.com, DYZE DESIGN
Hello Kevin, 

What material are you using and at which temps for each heater ?

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Kevin S

Jul 9, 2024, 10:36:40 AMJul 9
to DYZE DESIGN, Technical Support, DYZE DESIGN, kevin...@gmail.com
We are using the LATER G AM (PETG) from LATI.
Following temperature zones are being used: 150°C - 230°C - 230°C (from the support site of Pulsar).

Aside of the material the motor always "thicks/jams" above a speed of 200 RPM (= 17 RPM for the screw).

Op dinsdag 9 juli 2024 om 16:00:51 UTC+2 schreef Technical Support:

Technical Support

Jul 9, 2024, 1:30:48 PMJul 9
to kevin...@gmail.com, DYZE DESIGN, Technical Support
Those temps seem a bit low for PETG, I suggest trying higher temps by increments of 10C, especially in the first zone which seems too low at 150C.
You want to keep a good flow but also avoid the material melting too soon near the first heater or it could jam so that's why trying by increments would be the best.
Try increasing the first heater temp first slowly but not as much as the other two, then try higher temps for middle and bottom heaters.

Technical Support

Jul 9, 2024, 1:37:10 PMJul 9
to Technical Support, kevin...@gmail.com, DYZE DESIGN
In our documentation, the data is for rPETG (recycled PETG), not virgin PETG, more often than not virgin PETG requires higher temps.

Dan Saroussi

Jul 9, 2024, 1:47:48 PMJul 9
to sup...@dyzedesign.com, DYZE DESIGN, kevin...@gmail.com
Hey kelvin I had the same issue 
I use 190,235,245 
Make sure the material is very dry! 
And I believe it’ll be ok

Kevin S

Jul 15, 2024, 6:55:32 AMJul 15
to DYZE DESIGN, Dan Saroussi, DYZE DESIGN, kevin...@gmail.com, sup...@dyzedesign.com
Even with this temperature zones its often jams.
Is it possible that the NEMA23 motor is not delivering enough torque for this materials?

Op dinsdag 9 juli 2024 om 19:47:48 UTC+2 schreef Dan Saroussi:

Technical Support

Jul 15, 2024, 9:24:54 AMJul 15
to Kevin S, Dyze Design, DYZE DESIGN, Dan Saroussi, sup...@dyzedesign.com
For PETG specifically and if you mainly print PETG, we recommend switching to the minimal compression ratio screw.
We found that in the case of virgin PETG, the standard screw can be limited whereas with recycled PETG there was no issue. Testing with the minimal ratio compression screw fixed our issues and gave us a more stable flow without skipping and no grinding noise when going down the barrel when extruding.
You can contact our sales department @Dyze Design if that is a solution that would interest you.

Kevin S

Jul 24, 2024, 7:05:29 AMJul 24
to DYZE DESIGN, Technical Support, DYZE DESIGN, Dan Saroussi, Kevin S
How can I contact the sales department?
Last week I mailed Sa...@dyzedesign.com without any respone.

Op maandag 15 juli 2024 om 15:24:54 UTC+2 schreef Technical Support:

Kevin S

Jul 24, 2024, 9:56:41 AMJul 24
to DYZE DESIGN, Technical Support, DYZE DESIGN, Dan Saroussi, Kevin S
Today we tested our setup with recycled PETg, and had exactly the same problems.
We also noticed that the grinding noise occured when using dried material.
Before the drying the noise was not there.

So we have the same problem with PETG and RPETG from 2 different manufacturers, using different temp zones. 
Is there something else we can try?

Op maandag 15 juli 2024 om 15:24:54 UTC+2 schreef Technical Support:
For PETG specifically and if you mainly print PETG, we recommend switching to the minimal compression ratio screw.

Technical Support

Jul 24, 2024, 10:33:37 AMJul 24
to Kevin S, DYZE DESIGN, Technical Support, Dan Saroussi
My coworker from the sales department will contact you soon, sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.

If the suggestions of higher temps did not work (for some PETg up to 260C would not be unheard of) I believe that switching the screw would be the best option given that you print a lot of PETg.
The rPETg that we use is from Reflow. I'm surprised that you also have difficulties with rPETg.

What nozzle size are you using ? The smaller nozzles like 1mm are more restricted in flow rate and the extrusion is more challenging.

I'm trying to think about other options but when we encountered the same problem, only switching screws helped resolve the problem unfortunately.
Apart from that, maybe making sure that all 3 heater temps are stable or run a PID autotune for each heater if necessary.
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