Migration to API v9 and deprecation of v8 (to be removed on Oct 31, 2022)

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Lefteris Chatzimparmpas

Aug 3, 2022, 11:53:21 AM8/3/22
to todoist-api

Hello Todoist API users and partners,

As v9 is the current stable version for the Sync API (you can learn more about it at developer.todoist.com), we are going to start the deprecation of its predecessor.

In case you have an application making API calls to any version less than v9, we strongly recommend you to migrate to v9 as soon as possible to avoid downtime after Oct 31, 2022.

Since today, we're returning a “warning” header for all API requests using a version less than v9:

$ curl -vs https://todoist.com/api/v8/sync -d token=$token |& grep warning
< warning: 119 - ”Deprecated API version. Will be removed on 2022-11-01”

Additionally, all other endpoints using a version less than v8 already return 410 GONE for a while now, and the same will happen to version v8 after the date mentioned.

Please contact us if you need any additional information about the API and how to migrate.

Stay safe and productive,
The Todoist Team

Lefteris Chatzimparmpas

Aug 8, 2022, 3:44:58 AM8/8/22
to todoist-api, Lefteris Chatzimparmpas

Hello Todoist API users and partners,

The previous message had an incorrect link for the migration guide to v9.  The correct one is:

We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Stay safe and productive,
The Todoist Team

Lefteris Chatzimparmpas

Sep 8, 2022, 7:16:58 AM9/8/22
to todoist-api, Lefteris Chatzimparmpas
Hello Todoist API users and partners,

We would like to inform you that we are planning for temporary blackouts on our Sync API v8 service, in order to bring awareness on the deprecation that will take place soon, and the necessity to migrate to v9.

 Specifically the duration, date and time of the blackouts are as follows:
  • 1 hour: Sep 15, 15:00-16:00 UTC
  • 2 hours: Oct 3, 14:00-16:00 UTC
  • 4 hours: Oct 17, 14:00-18:00 UTC
Stay safe and productive,
The Todoist Team

Lefteris Chatzimparmpas

Oct 24, 2022, 6:47:10 AM10/24/22
to todoist-api, Lefteris Chatzimparmpas
Hello Todoist API users and partners,

We would like to inform you that we have postponed the deprecation of our Sync API v8 to Nov 30, 2022.

This means that the schedule for the brownouts has also been updated:
  • 4h brownout in Oct 31st, from 14:00 to 18:00 UTC.
  • 4h brownout in Nov 14th, from 14:00 to 18:00 UTC.
  • 4h brownout in Nov 28th, from 14:00 to 18:00 UTC.
Stay safe and productive,
The Todoist Team

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