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Meeting on Thursday, 18.01.2024 and News

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Andrei Vukolov

Jan 15, 2024, 9:51:11 AM1/15/24
to dPID Working Group
Dear colleagues,
This is a kind reminder that the next biweekly meeting of the Decentralised PID Working Group is planned for Thursday, 18.01.2024, 14:00-15:00 CET. Please use the following Zoom link to connect:

The agenda of the meeting includes the following points (see the document):
  • Decision on the Prospectus: ready to disseminate
  • Discussion on the Vision Statement Draft: more experience sharing needed
  • Discussion on the RDA Blog post: pre-release version for final review
  • Possible entry points to find funds, grants, dissemination and official support (a quick outline from George Kourousias?)
  • Tooling Implementation
  • Place of cross-resolution and reverse compatibility in decentralised PID workflow.
  • Progress of experimental implementation of DeSci Node over the existing IPFS node (and possible dataset sharing experience).
I am kindly asking you in advance to have a look at the following grant proposals we have now on the radar and to share your suggestions, opinions and experience about the future funding of the group.
The important thing, for now, is that we have gotten rid of the Mattermost invitation link's 48-hour expiration limit. Please use the following link:
to join and talk with us, without expiration! Please note that the server is now proven safe by Google.
Best regards,
Andrei Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Erik van Winkle

Jan 17, 2024, 3:18:45 PM1/17/24
to Andrei Vukolov, George Kourousias, dPID Working Group
Hi everyone,

A quick reminder that we have our meeting tomorrow at 8AM EST, 2PM CET. Here's the link to the zoom for the meeting

The agenda is as follows:
  • Prospectus Dissemination - Green Light and Dissemination Planning
    • This will be the final call for edits on the prospectus. Pending major changes, we will mint a dPID for the document after the call. 
  • Ideation around Statement of Benefits for Institutions
    • @George Kourousias Gave a great suggestion in a call earlier this week about making a "statement of benefits" document targeted at IT professionals in infrastructure or infrastructure-heavy institutions. We'll be discussing this idea and ideating on potential benefits from dPIDs and open state repositories in the call. From there, work can start on drafting and finalizing copy for the document. 
  • Conference and Grant Identification/Prioritization
    • A list of potential conferences and speaking spots that relate to dPIDs has been documented in the drive. During this part of the call, we'll brainstorm additional conferences/grants that could be relevant to the group. Priority for conferences goes to virtual spots and venues within easy traveling distance of WG members. Priority for grants goes to small-to-medium sized grants which can be focused entirely on dPID development or WG expansion.
  • [Given time] Website review
  • [Given time] RDA Plenary Ideation and Networking
    • In the realm of conferences, special attention is going to the RDA 22nd Plenary. WG participation (either as a standalone event or as an add-on to existing RDA Working Groups)
  • [Given time] RDA blog post review
    • Version 2 is ready for review! I doubt we'll get to it in the call, but give it a read when you get a chance. 
  • [Given time] Vision and Mission Ideation
    • Feedback from the past call indicates that the vision and mission statements still need a good bit of work. While initial drafts are in place, the starting point for creation should likely be a scoped call around this topic exclusively. If we have time, we'll dive into that conversation. More likely, a separate meeting will be scheduled later on for this topic. 
As always, comments can be given either straight on the documents linked or on Mattermost. It should be a great call tomorrow, join if you can!


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Erik Van Winkle

Operations and Business Development Lead

+1-404-754-8648 (EST)

DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science

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