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EOSC Interest and Collaboration Perspective: Decentralised Persistent Identification

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Andrei Vukolov

Nov 5, 2024, 5:12:28 AM11/5/24
to Tibor Kálmán,,,, dPID Working Group,

Dear EOSC colleagues,

Using the PID and IPFS outcomes of the ExPaNDS project completed in 2022-2023, the small research direction was started in October 2023, dedicated to the possibilities to build the persistent identification infrastructure that does not depend not only on the central authorities and legal fidelity of the underlying entities, but also on the issues connected with the currently known disadvantages of blockchain-based and cryptocurrency systems. The initial discussion was started in 2023 during RDA conference in Salzburg, with kind participation of Tibor and Bryan (in the address list).

Through the last year, the research passed a lot of probes, discussions and developments, under extremely useful initial guidance by DeSci Foundation and dPID project, with successful scientific collaboration several publications (see the list below). During the evolution of the ideas, the concepts and component ideation were re-thought and evolved. For now, we are looking for development of the prototype system that uses decentralised messaging infrastructure based on DHT to build info exchange and webs of trust, instead of using blockchain. The motivation and ideation of this wishful change are described in our working documentation, based on the Rolling Agenda document: Speaking in advance, the main target here is to avoid maintenance problems brought by blockchain technologies, in favour of cryptographically trusted messaging with voluntarily formed web of trust.

There are several people from different countries involved in the development, and we have formed a small community of the interested people already. Now we are in a search of the optimal organization form of the community, and as an opportunity, of the umbrella organization that may help us to harmonize the status of development. For the next March we have agreed to publish the roadmap document and the first version of Concepts and Definitions if possible.

We would appreciate any advice, collaboration proposal, or help. If you consider this information interesting, please express your interest to start a discussion. We usually have a meeting every 2 weeks, from this time on Wednesdays, at 17:00 CET, and the next meeting is planned for the next Wednesday, 13th of November.

Here is the list of the links where our working documentation and ideation proposals are placed:

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer, PLC Programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Kalman, Tibor

Nov 13, 2024, 10:32:28 AM11/13/24
to Andrei Vukolov,,,, dPID Working Group,
Dear Andrei, all,

thank you for your message.

> The initial discussion was started in 2023 during RDA conference in Salzburg, with kind participation of Tibor and Bryan (in the address list).

Unfortunately, I had to shift my focus more and more on other things, and my participation has just become very asynchronous...

> Now we are in a search of the optimal organization form of the community, and as an opportunity, of the umbrella organization that may help us to harmonize the status of development.

If I recall correctly, we had some conversations related to this at the very beginning (probably not valid anymore in the current context) and this is still a topic I would be interested to contribute to the discussions.
I’m trying to join one of the next meetings - even if I am not sure whether I am able to catch up with all the developments until then.

All the best,

Dr. Tibor Kalman
Group eScience
T: +49 551 39-30266, E-Mail:
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)
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Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Ramin Yahyapour
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Göttingen
Registergericht: Göttingen, Handelsregister-Nr. B 598

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