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Next Biweekly Meeting: Planning and Agenda

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Andrei Vukolov

Feb 6, 2024, 6:23:49 AM2/6/24
to dPID Working Group
Dear all,
The next biweekly meeting of our working group is now under planning. Please select your preferred date and time in the following Doodle poll:

The meeting is intended to have the following Agenda (please do not hesitate to place your suggestions and editions on the Agenda document):
Looking forward to see you all at the meeting!
Best regards,
Andrei Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Andrei Vukolov

Feb 26, 2024, 10:25:33 AM2/26/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear all,
this is a gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting of dPID Working Group is planned for next Tuesday, 27.02.2024, 17:00-18:00 CET. Please use the following Zoom room link to connect:

You can find the full agenda and highlights in the Agenda document. Please do not hesitate to add your comments and suggestions!

We urgently need to move forward with the work on  Benefit Statement for the Industry. Please make your contributions!

Looking forward to see you at the next meeting!

вторник, 6 февраля 2024 г. в 12:23:49 UTC+1, Andrei Vukolov:
Message has been deleted

Andrei Vukolov

Mar 11, 2024, 2:52:19 PM3/11/24
to dPID-Working-Group
Dear all,
this is a gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting of dPID Working Group is planned for next Tuesday, 12.03.2024, 17:00-18:00 CET. Please use the following Zoom room link to connect:

You can find the full agenda and highlights in the Agenda document. Please do not hesitate to add your comments and suggestions!

We urgently need to move forward with the work on  Benefit Statement for the Industry. Please make your contributions!

понедельник, 26 февраля 2024 г. в 16:25:33 UTC+1, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Mar 25, 2024, 10:47:21 AM3/25/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear all,
this is a gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting of dPID Working Group is planned for tomorrow, Tuesday, 26.03.2024, 17:00-18:00 CET. Please use the following Zoom room link to connect:
The shortened agenda is the following: 

понедельник, 11 марта 2024 г. в 19:52:19 UTC+1, Andrei Vukolov:

Christopher Hill

Mar 25, 2024, 10:52:33 AM3/25/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group
Dear all, 

Sepolia migration completed successfully saturday, all systems nominal! It took longer than expected, and the process will be considerably simplified once NodesLib mediates all protocol-level interaction read/writes. 



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Erik van Winkle

Mar 26, 2024, 12:01:56 PM3/26/24
to Christopher Hill, Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group
Hi Everyone,

The main zoom account got double booked today. Please use this google meets link instead. 

dPID WG - Temporary Link
Tuesday, March 26 · 12:00 – 1:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 319-343-8901‬ PIN: ‪373 720 599‬#
More phone numbers:


Andrei Vukolov

Apr 4, 2024, 10:31:29 AM4/4/24

Dear all,

Next week, Erik will be likely away and in case he will not be able to host our meeting from the DeSci Labs' side. To deal with this, I registered a Zoom room for us at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. Please use the following link to connect:

The meeting will be held as planned, at 09th of April, 2024, 17:00 CEST. The Agenda will be published soon!

Lookimg forward to see you online!

Best regards,

11.03.2024 19:52, Andrei Vukolov пишет:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "dPID-Working-Group" group.
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max ranchi

Apr 5, 2024, 11:21:16 AM4/5/24
to Andrei Vukolov,
Hi Andrey, 
please take me off the mailing list. 

Andrei Vukolov

Apr 9, 2024, 4:59:12 AM4/9/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear all,
This is a gentle reminder that the biweekly meeting will be held today at 17:00 CEST on Elettra zoom room. Please use the following link to connect: 

The Agenda is available on the dedicated Google document:
четверг, 4 апреля 2024 г. в 16:31:29 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Apr 23, 2024, 3:54:16 AM4/23/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear all,
This is the gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting will be held today at 17:00 CEST in Elettra Zoom room. Please use the following link to connect:

The Agenda is already available on the dedicated Google document:

вторник, 9 апреля 2024 г. в 10:59:12 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Jul 1, 2024, 4:21:18 AM7/1/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear all,
This is the gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting will be held tomorrow 02.07.2024 at 17:00 CEST in Elettra Zoom room. Please use the following link to connect:

The Agenda is already available on the dedicated Google document:


вторник, 23 апреля 2024 г. в 09:54:16 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Jul 15, 2024, 5:08:28 AM7/15/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear participants,
Would you like to postpone the meeting planned for tomorrow, 16.07.2024? This is a summer time, and obviously almost everyone is on vacation, so we could postpone to the middle of August. 

Please share your opinion until tomorrow morning CEST.

понедельник, 1 июля 2024 г. в 10:21:18 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Jul 16, 2024, 10:43:38 AM7/16/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear participants
Our next meeting is now planned for 6th of August.
Please use the following link to add it to your Calendar:
The Agenda will be published by the beginning of August.
Wishing you good vacation!
понедельник, 15 июля 2024 г. в 11:08:28 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Aug 5, 2024, 7:35:10 AM8/5/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
Dear participants!

We are returning after the vacation time. The next meeting is planned for tomorrow, 06.08.2024, for 17:00 CEST. Please use the following link to connect:
I also attached the ICS file to this message to allow you record the event in your calendar.

The Agenda of the meeting is already published on the dedicated document!

Looking forward to see you on the meeting!

вторник, 16 июля 2024 г. в 16:43:38 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Aug 5, 2024, 8:42:56 AM8/5/24
to dPID-Working-Group
Sorry for the inconvenience,  here is the correct ICS invitation file!

пн, 5 авг. 2024 г. в 13:35, Andrei Vukolov <>:
VUOcalendar (1).ics

Andrei Vukolov

Aug 19, 2024, 4:34:14 AM8/19/24
to dPID-Working-Group
Dear participants,
This is a gentle reminder that the next biweekly meeting is planned for tomorrow, 20.08.2024. Please use the following Zoom link to connect:

In this meeting, we will discuss the philosophical problems of the PID ecosystems, and try to find the easiest way to solve them. I will also do my best to prepare the initiative summary before tomorrow.

пн, 5 авг. 2024 г. в 14:42, Andrei Vukolov <>:
20.08.2024 dPID.ics

Francis P. Crawley

Aug 19, 2024, 1:02:17 PM8/19/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group

Confirming my participation. Francis


From: Andrei Vukolov <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 10:34 AM
To: dPID-Working-Group <>
Subject: Re: [dpid-wg] Re: Next Biweekly Meeting: Planning and Agenda


Francis P. Crawley

Aug 19, 2024, 1:06:09 PM8/19/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group

Confirming my participation and updating to Tuesday from 19:30 to 20:30 CEST (Brussels time). Francis


Andrei Vukolov

Aug 20, 2024, 6:12:27 AM8/20/24
to Francis P. Crawley, dPID-Working-Group

Dear Francis,  did I do a mistake in the meeting plan for today?

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov

Scientific Computing Engineer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

пн, 19 авг. 2024 г., 19:06 Francis P. Crawley <>:

Francis P. Crawley

Aug 20, 2024, 7:01:09 AM8/20/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group

Dear Andrei,


Likely the mistake is on my part. What day and time do we meet? And what time zone?




Kind regards,




Sergio Santamarina

Aug 20, 2024, 10:10:39 AM8/20/24
to Francis P. Crawley, Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group

Andrei Vukolov

Sep 2, 2024, 10:20:35 AM9/2/24
to dPID Working Group
Dear participants,
This is a gentle reminder that our next planned meeting is tomorrow, the 3rd of September. Please use the following link to connect:

The Agenda and Highlights for this meeting are available here.

вт, 20 авг. 2024 г. в 16:10, Sergio Santamarina <>:


Best regards,
Andrei Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer, PLC programmer,

Andrei Vukolov

Sep 5, 2024, 3:44:22 AM9/5/24
to Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group

Dear Chris,

I am really happy hearing from you! 

Sadly, Erik left the project and DeSci Labs, then the development directions were changed to the state into which Nodes interface is coming now. Due to that, we have  also decided to change the development directions, and select more convenient underlying technology with a simpler deployment process and internal API. Doing this, we have shifted now for the two-sided discussion about the philosophical aspect of the PID development from one side, and very practical thing on the other side.

We still keep the regular biweekly meetings at Tuesdays 17:00 CEST, so please indicate if you would be free to attend. The next meetings are planned for 17th of September and 1st of October.

We also may organize the irregular meeting. Please tell in what time you may have time to attend. I put the mailing list in CC, so the participants who are willing to join will see.

We switched also to the new Agenda document once the old one became very large and slow in browser. Here is the new one:

Hope to hear from you soon, and to discuss some new things!

05.09.2024 8:12, Chris Erdmann пишет:
Hi Andrei, I've been missing many of these meetings and Erik was someone who I often connected with on the side because I couldn't attend them. I'm wondering if we can connect in late October/November... or maybe I can finally attend one of the meetings during this time. But I still very much want us to start something dpid related at SciLifeLab. Best, Chris

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer, PLC Programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Sep 5, 2024, 4:31:28 AM9/5/24
to Andrei Vukolov, Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group

Hi Andrei,


I’m still not sure what change of directions in the DeSci Nodes interface or CODEX you are referring to and why this made you decide to change course with the DPID working group. You are obviously free to work with and build on any technology you like, but it seems to me that there were misunderstandings. Maybe we could discuss this at some point.


All the best






Prof. Dr. Philipp Koellinger

President DeSci Foundation

DeSci Foundation | Accelerating scientific progress
DeSci Labs

Academic profile


Chris Erdmann

Sep 8, 2024, 2:00:43 AM9/8/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID Working Group
Thanks Andrei. I might be able to catch the next meeting. I know NBIS/SciLifeLab colleagues attend which is great. I'm a fan of practical approaches. Also, I will see Philipp soon at our research software funders workshop. Thanks for the update and the link to the new notes doc. 

Andrei Vukolov

Oct 1, 2024, 5:04:01 AM10/1/24
to Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group
Dear participants,
I have attached the ICS file containing the invitation for today's meeting. 

The Agenda is published now!

вс, 8 сент. 2024 г. в 08:00, Chris Erdmann <>:
VUOcalendar (2).ics

Jonas Söderberg

Oct 1, 2024, 10:25:51 AM10/1/24
to Andrei Vukolov, Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group
I am at the conference for the National Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden today, so I will most likely not be able to attend.

Andrei Vukolov

Oct 1, 2024, 11:28:32 AM10/1/24
to Jonas Söderberg, Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group
Dear Jonas,
Today unfortunately no one of us could attend so the agenda will be moved to 15.10. thanks a lot, for letting me know!

вт, 1 окт. 2024 г. в 16:25, Jonas Söderberg <>:

Andrei Vukolov

Oct 2, 2024, 12:50:56 PM10/2/24
to Jonas Söderberg, Chris Erdmann, dPID Working Group
Dear participants,
Here is the request from Bence to move our biweekly meetings to Monday evening. Please share your availability and opinions about it as soon as possible! For me, speaking in advance, it seems doable.

вт, 1 окт. 2024 г. в 17:28, Andrei Vukolov <>:

Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Software Developer,
Data Stewardship Engineer in ExPaNDS project (

Andrei Vukolov

Oct 24, 2024, 10:39:11 AM10/24/24
to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov,,
Dear all,
Due to the last issues and circumstances I have, for this month I can only propose to plan the next meeting for Wednesday, 30th of October 2024.
Please tell me if this date and time works for you. 
In case it does, please find here the link to connect:, and the ICS calendar file attached.

The meeting is planned with the following agenda: 
  • A significant advantage over the currently emerging systems?

  • Discussion about the concept of messages

  • What do we miss from IPFS or Iroh speaking in terms of PID? Could DHT help implement that?

  • Feature discussion together with specs: OpenDHT as a messaging layer - Concepts and Definitions

  • Discussion about the realms of Agents and Messages.

Please view the Agenda also here:, and in case do not hesitate to write down your own points and highlights!
Looking forward to see you!

среда, 2 октября 2024 г. в 18:50:56 UTC+2, Andrei Vukolov:

Andrei Vukolov

Nov 11, 2024, 12:27:22 PM11/11/24