Agreement on establishing constant time biweekly meetings
RDA blog post review and green light
Version 2 is ready for review!
Ideation around Statement of Benefits for Institutions
Conference and Grant Identification/Prioritization
[Grant] Figuring out the right pitch to Horacio for grants in Ireland
[Conference] EUCOMES 2024 - Initial draft is on the way, deadline 16th of February 2024 - prioritized task
[Conference] TDI 2024 - Deadline is 23rd of February 2024, assistance needed
[Conference] RDA Virtual Plenary - Progress
[Conference] PIDfest - Ideation and Alignment
[Grant] PID Instrumentation section on LEAPS Grant proposal
Identifying channels to reach DID, DeSci and Metascience interested parties (Slava
How the Artwork Identification Authority could work (by Linda
[Given time] Website prototype review
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Dear all,
Next week, Erik will be likely away and in case he will not be
able to host our meeting from the DeSci Labs' side. To deal with
this, I registered a Zoom room for us at Elettra Sincrotrone
Trieste. Please use the following link to connect:
The meeting will be held as planned, at 09th of April, 2024, 17:00 CEST. The Agenda will be published soon!
Lookimg forward to see you online!
Best regards,
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Confirming my participation. Francis
From: Andrei Vukolov <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 10:34 AM
To: dPID-Working-Group <>
Subject: Re: [dpid-wg] Re: Next Biweekly Meeting: Planning and Agenda
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Dear Francis, did I do a mistake in the meeting plan for today?
Dear Andrei,
Likely the mistake is on my part. What day and time do we meet? And what time zone?
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Dear Chris,
I am really happy hearing from you!
Sadly, Erik left the project and DeSci Labs, then the development
directions were changed to the state into which Nodes interface is
coming now. Due to that, we have also decided to change the
development directions, and select more convenient underlying
technology with a simpler deployment process and internal API.
Doing this, we have shifted now for the two-sided discussion about
the philosophical aspect of the PID development from one side, and
very practical thing on the other side.
We still keep the regular biweekly meetings at Tuesdays 17:00 CEST, so please indicate if you would be free to attend. The next meetings are planned for 17th of September and 1st of October.
We also may organize the irregular meeting. Please tell in what time you may have time to attend. I put the mailing list in CC, so the participants who are willing to join will see.
We switched also to the new Agenda document once the old one
became very large and slow in browser. Here is the new one:
Hope to hear from you soon, and to discuss some new things!
Hi Andrei, I've been missing many of these meetings and Erik was someone who I often connected with on the side because I couldn't attend them. I'm wondering if we can connect in late October/November... or maybe I can finally attend one of the meetings during this time. But I still very much want us to start something dpid related at SciLifeLab. Best, Chris
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-- - == Best regards, Andrey Vukolov Scientific Computing Engineer, PLC Programmer, ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste ( Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy Tel.: +39 348 888 4453
Hi Andrei,
I’m still not sure what change of directions in the DeSci Nodes interface or CODEX you are referring to and why this made you decide to change course with the DPID working group. You are obviously free to work with and build on any technology you like, but it seems to me that there were misunderstandings. Maybe we could discuss this at some point.
All the best
| Prof. Dr. Philipp Koellinger President DeSci Foundation DeSci Foundation | Accelerating scientific progress |
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A significant advantage over the currently emerging systems?
Discussion about the concept of messages
What do we miss from IPFS or Iroh speaking in terms of PID? Could DHT help implement that?
Feature discussion together with specs: OpenDHT as a messaging layer - Concepts and Definitions
Discussion about the realms of Agents and Messages.