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Activities and news by the beginning of the year 2025

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Andrei Vukolov

Jan 2, 2025, 12:41:40 PMJan 2
to dPID-Working-Group, Philipp Koellinger, Edvard Hübinette

Dear participants,

as the 2025 year started there are several news for all of us that will affect the future activities.

  • The official recognition and funding are still in the priority scope. Please share any opportunities and ways you see.
  • The technology/spec verification meeting with DeSci Labs could be a great opportunity to align the efforts after the time that passed, and the important talk Ervard made. To elaborate this possibility, I added Philipp and Edvard to the CC (could you please consider participation in the meeting at 14th or we could plan another date?).
  • The notification emails from Mattermost will now be coming from domain. Please enable this name in your spam filters. It is equipped with DMARC, so your email servers will not be flooded with spam redirections.
  • A very important update was made in libp2p. The C++ implementation is now could be considered working. We can use it to generate IDs compliant with Multiformats spec.
  • Sergio's suggestion to make the data stewards world hear about us is what we should consider ASAP. I would like to kindly ask you to think about what and how we would write before March.
  • Any help in the development of the working principles and specs is appreciated. It is a good chance we have now to start writing the code for the minimal working model by the end of January.
  • It would be very good to hear from anyone about the prospective funding opportunities we could request via CoARA, RDA and EOSC.
  • libopendht is now recognized in Ubuntu Mainline, so we could consider it as a production-ready solution evaluated by Canonical.
  • Unexpectedly I revived the connection with Erik, and he would like to participate in one of our meetings. I am now waiting for the confirmation from him.

The next meeting is now planned for Tuesday 14th of January. Please find attached the ICS file and here is the connection link:

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone who celebrates!

Best regards,
Andrei Vukolov
Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Software Developer,
Data Stewardship Engineer in ExPaNDS project (
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 2, 2025, 12:41:45 PMJan 2
to dPID-Working-Group, Philipp Koellinger, Edvard Hübinette

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 3, 2025, 6:27:02 AMJan 3
to Philipp Koellinger, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette, Sergio Santamarina

Dear Philipp,

The following agenda I see here for now:

  1. Internal representation and the storage model of the IDs during data exchange and resolution: importance of openness and current development states.
  2. Stateful lookup database: blockchain or VCS?
  3. Peculiarities and dangers of auto-monopolization in the decentralised network: increasing of an autonomy as a factor of FAIRness.
  4. Authoritative agents' policies in a context of record versioning: current state.

To explain all the arguments and points from the point of view of a librarian, and ARC community, we need expertise from Sergio, so I added him explicitly to the CC.

02.01.2025 19:51, Philipp Koellinger пишет:
Dear Andrei,

Happy New Year! Edvard and I are the kick-off meeting of the FAIR2Adapt project in Oslo on Jan 14th, so we won't be able to join the meeting. Let's find another time that works for us. What's on the agenda to discuss?

Thanks a lot


Jan 3, 2025, 7:20:30 AMJan 3
to Andrei Vukolov, Philipp Koellinger, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette, Sergio Santamarina

Hi Andrei,


Thanks, sounds good. Let’s make sure we can have Edvard on the call to discuss technicalities. I’m pretty flexible on the 8th or 22nd of January before 5pm CET. Would that work?


All the best



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Andrei Vukolov

Jan 3, 2025, 9:50:23 AMJan 3
to, Philipp Koellinger, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette, Sergio Santamarina
Dear Philipp,
I am relatively free only on the 8th, after 16:00 CET. From 14th to 26th I have a lot of working activities planned. So, only 8th works for me. Let's see what Sergio will say, I am pretty sure that we must have him at this meeting.

пт, 3 янв. 2025 г. в 13:20, <>:

Sergio Santamarina

Jan 5, 2025, 9:30:06 PMJan 5
to Andrei Vukolov,, Philipp Koellinger, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette
Hello Andrei and Philipp, sorry for the delay. I wish you both had a very happy New Year and holiday season. Tomorrow I'lll be traveling to Uruguay, I'll do my best to reach you guys at the meeting on the 8th. 
See you on wednesday. 

All the best.


Andrei Vukolov

Jan 6, 2025, 8:20:17 AMJan 6
to Sergio Santamarina,, Philipp Koellinger, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette


I booked a Zoom room for us at Wednesday, 8th, 16:30 CET.

Please use the following link to connect:

I also attached the ICS file to this letter. The Agenda will be added to our rolling document ASAP.

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Engineer, PLC programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer,

ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

пн, 6 янв. 2025 г., 03:30 Sergio Santamarina <>:

Philipp Koellinger

Jan 6, 2025, 11:19:57 AMJan 6
to Andrei Vukolov, Sergio Santamarina,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette
Hi Andrei, 

I can join at 5pm CET on Wednesday, but ideally not for more than an hour. Can you please add to the calendar invite? 

Also, I don't know yet if this time will work for Edvard - we'll need him on the call as well to talk about the technical details. He will be back at the office tomorrow.



Prof. Dr. Philipp Koellinger

CEO DeSci Labs AG

President DeSci Foundation

+31-63-829-4868 (CET)

DeSci Labs
DeSci Foundation
Academic profile

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 6, 2025, 1:40:28 PMJan 6
to Philipp Koellinger, Sergio Santamarina,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette

Dear Philipp,
I added your email into the calendar file. Please find it attached. I will align the time once  I will receive confirmation from Edvard

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Engineer, PLC programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer,
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

пн, 6 янв. 2025 г., 17:19 Philipp Koellinger <>:

Philipp Koellinger

Jan 7, 2025, 4:50:45 AMJan 7
to Andrei Vukolov, Sergio Santamarina, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette
Edvard is available tomorrow. Let's start at 5pm CET, please. And let's try to keep it at one hour.

Thanks and talk to you soon!


Prof. Dr. Philipp Koellinger

CEO DeSci Labs AG

President DeSci Foundation

+31-63-829-4868 (CET)

DeSci Labs
DeSci Foundation
Academic profile

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 7, 2025, 5:54:11 AMJan 7
to Philipp Koellinger, Sergio Santamarina, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette
Good! We have agreed on it. Please find attached the new ICS file. See you all tomorrow!

вт, 7 янв. 2025 г. в 10:50, Philipp Koellinger <>:

Francis P. Crawley

Jan 8, 2025, 10:38:32 AMJan 8
to Andrei Vukolov, Philipp Koellinger,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette

Dear Andrei and everyone,


I have tried to join the meeting now, but I seem to be the only one. I am using the Zoom link below. Is there another link? Or has the meeting been moved?


Kind regards,




Francis P. Crawley

Chairman, CODATA International Data Policy Committee (IDPC)

Leuven, Belgium

Telephone: +32 495 23 11 11 (also for WhatsApp)


Andrei Vukolov

Jan 8, 2025, 10:40:13 AMJan 8
to Francis P. Crawley, Philipp Koellinger,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette

Dear Francis,

as I wrote before the meeting will start at 17:00, in 20 mins, as I set in the new calendar file in the last letter here

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Engineer, PLC programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer,
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

ср, 8 янв. 2025 г., 16:38 Francis P. Crawley <>:

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 8, 2025, 10:40:50 AMJan 8
to Francis P. Crawley, Philipp Koellinger,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette

To avoid any inconvenience I will connect ASAP

Best regards,
Andrey Vukolov
Robotics Engineer, Industrial Automation Engineer, PLC programmer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer,
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

ср, 8 янв. 2025 г., 16:39 Andrei Vukolov <>:

Francis P. Crawley

Jan 8, 2025, 10:42:04 AMJan 8
to Andrei Vukolov, Philipp Koellinger,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette

Dear Andrei and everyone,


No worries. I need a 20 minute break. 😊


Much appreciated.


Kind regards,





From: Andrei Vukolov <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 4:41 PM
To: Francis P. Crawley <>
Cc: Philipp Koellinger <>;; dPID-Working-Group <>; Edvard Hübinette <>
Subject: Re: [dpid-wg] Re: Activities and news by the beginning of the year 2025


To avoid any inconvenience I will connect ASAP

Andrei Vukolov

Jan 8, 2025, 2:12:49 PMJan 8
to Francis P. Crawley, Philipp Koellinger,, dPID-Working-Group, Edvard Hübinette
Dear all,
Thanks again a lot for your participation! 

Please find here the link to watch the recording on YouTube:

ср, 8 янв. 2025 г. в 16:42, Francis P. Crawley <>:
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