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dPID WG Weekly Update

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Erik van Winkle

Jan 4, 2024, 10:33:08 AM1/4/24
Hi everyone,

I hope you had a great new year! I'm going to start putting out a weekly update for the working group via the email thread so that people who want to stay involved can easily do so. 

From January 1st-5th, 2024, the working group had 2 meetings (one full biweekly meeting and one weekly small group meeting). Our current focus is on refining the vision statement, FDOF Presentation proposal, and RDA Blog post. If you want to help, reviewing these draft documents is the best way to get involved. Additional tasks include solidifying operations and communication channels (Mattermost, Google Groups, Google Drive, meeting archives, dPID website, etc.). 
I hope everyone has a great new year and thanks for participating!



Erik Van Winkle

Operations and Business Development Lead

+1-404-754-8648 (EST)

DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science

Erik van Winkle

Jan 12, 2024, 3:49:22 PM1/12/24
to, Anita de Waard
Hi all,

Another great week in the dPID working group! The Mattermost has been a hotbed of conversation. If you haven't already joined, here's the link.  

The weekly update is as follows:
  • Meetings
    • Small Group Meeting - Andrei, Erik and Georgos discussed vision statement and initial funding strategies for the WG
  • Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)
  • Conferences on our radar (please suggest others we should look into or let us know if you'd like to help)
    • ALA 2024 - Marshall is giving a talk on Link Rot and the Scholarly Record this Sunday
    • FDOF 2024 - Proposal written, official submission happening tonight. 
    • COS YoOS 2024 - Two presentations in the works, one from Elettra and one from The DeSci Foundation. More details to come. 
    • PIDFest 2024 - 
  • Grant Proposals on our radar (please suggest others we should look into or let us know if you'd like to help)
    • NLNet - NGI Zero Core could be an interesting and fast avenue for operational funds. 
    • OpenScienceNL - Infrastructure - Possible but scoping is important. Likely needs to include collaboration with Dutch Universities and include immediate, targeted outcomes (Decentralized CEDAR running on dPID was mentioned as a possibilty)
Thanks to everyone who participated. We've got a lot on our plate for next week, it's exciting to see things moving forward. If you haven't already, come join the fun :)

Thank you,
Erik Van Winkle

Erik van Winkle

Jan 19, 2024, 7:58:43 PM1/19/24
Hi all,

Time for the weekly update! As always, please make sure to join the mattermost if you want to be involved (here's the link).  

The weekly update is as follows:
  • Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)
    • Vision Statement - No immediate progress made, expect to see dedicated calls around this topic in the next month or so
    • Jon from NumFocus
    • Logan from Lehigh
Thanks to everyone who participated. We've got a lot on our plate for next week, it's exciting to see things moving forward. If you haven't already, come join the fun :)

Thank you,
Erik Van Winkle

Erik van Winkle

Jan 30, 2024, 8:34:10 AM1/30/24
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay on the weekly update. Lots to talk about from last week

The weekly update is as follows:
  • Main Updates
    • The FDOF 2024 conference proposal (dpid:152) was accepted! If you're in Berlin this march, make sure to come join the conversation. Big Thanks to Andrei, Line, Erik S, and Chris H for their collaboration.
    • The dPID Working Group section of the website is now live
  • No recorded meetings last week
  • Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)
    • RDA Blog Post - In final draft, please review
    • NLNet - Final draft, due tomorrow. Please review if you get a chance. 
    • IFAC AMEST2024 - Andrei's draft of a proposal to speak at an automation controls conference in May on dPID. The submission deadline is today.
    • Conferences and Grants Listings - Thanks to Logan for his work identifying potential grants. We'll be prioritizing and beginning to write soon. If you have conferences in your field that could benefit from dPIDs, come join the conversation on Mattermost. We've got reference materials that can drastically shorten your writing process. 
    • Lukács from Berlin
    • Horacio from Ireland
The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 


Erik van Winkle

Feb 3, 2024, 11:06:26 AM2/3/24
Hi everyone,

The weekly update is as follows:
  • Main Updates
    • Andrei finished both the IFAC AMEST2024 and DATASYS 2024 conference proposals
    • The NLNet Funding proposal was submitted
    • The Bi-weekly meeting happened on Tuesday, give it a listen when you get a chance. 
      • Fill out the doodle poll for the timing on the next one (otherwise we will settle on every other Tuesday from 11AM-12PM EST)
  • Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)
    • Krzysztof from Poland
The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 


Erik van Winkle

Feb 10, 2024, 3:02:02 PM2/10/24
Hi Everyone,

Lots of progress this week! The weekly update is as follows:
  • Main Updates
    • The biweekly meeting is happening on Tuesday at 11AM EST, 5PM CET. Here's the zoom link, the focus is on continuing the institutional statement of benefits discussions. 
    • Last call on the RDA Blog Post, thoughts and comments appreciated
    • DeSci Labs is co-hosting a hackathon with the creators of IPFS at the end of this month. The tracks are DIDs and Permissions, Compute over Data (Data Visiting), Funding and Incentive Design, Open State Data Networks, FAIR and Semantic Publishing, and AI in Open Science. Two things: 
      • We have an open call for hackathon ideas, does anyone from this group have problems that they want POCs for? No promises, but we can always float ideas out. The invitation hasn't officially opened yet, we already have over 100 developers signed up.
      • Would anyone here be interested in either virtual or in-person attendance? Let me know and we can figure something out. 
    • EuCoMeS Submission was sent out
  • Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)
    • Logan has been hard at work on the Grants Listings - The process of prioritizing is starting now, come help out!
    • See the RDA Plenary "Birds of a Feather" Session writeup. I'm still debating on submission, but it's interesting content nonetheless. Does anyone have thoughts? Additionally, are there any plenary sessions we should tie into pre-submission? Always happy to chat with folks. 
    • ICSSI submission is in early draft, ideas and comments appreciated. The title is "Past the Landing Page: Metrics for Enhanced Reproducibility Based on Upgraded Persistent Identifier Technologies"
    • Machine Actionable Journal Proposal for various groups is in the early draft stage, ideation appreciated
  • On the Radar (things we could use your help with)
    • Dissemination of the Initial POC to interested parties
  • And finally, a warm welcome to our newest group members! We're growing fast!
    • VBaulin from Discord
    • Joy from Kenya
    • Lars from Sweden
The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 


Andrei Vukolov

Feb 23, 2024, 1:55:57 PM2/23/24
to dPID-Working-Group
Hello everyone!

Here is the weekly update of the project. We appreciate all the collaborators for their contributions!

Main Updates:
Documents in Progress:
On the Radar:
  • CrossRef published the blog post blaming the current state of the publication preservation system on persistence.
  • Office Hours were booked and the video call was made between Erik, me and the Ethereum foundation with introductive talks and discussion on the collaboration possibilities.
  • Institutional Ownership in Data Publishing - dissemination.
  • Identifying and writing grants and conference submissions.
  • Help to make a dPID Bibliography in the mattermost channel
    Helpful Links:
        Warm welcome onboard to our new fellows!
        • John from California
        • Nabil from South Africa
        • Sergio from Argentina
        • Adam from the UK
        • Lambert from Germany
        • Joy from Kenya
        Special thanks to Erik for his very professional administration and templating of this mailing list and Google group!

        The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions.

        Best regards,

        суббота, 10 февраля 2024 г. в 21:02:02 UTC+1,

        Andrei Vukolov

        Mar 5, 2024, 8:35:20 AM3/5/24
        to dPID-Working-Group, Andrei Vukolov
        Hello everyone!

        Here is the weekly update of the project, delayed by some days, so please take our apologies for that. This week two updates will be sent to hold up the usual flow.

        Main Updates:
        • The next biweekly meeting is planned for Tuesday. 27.02.2024, from 17:00 to 18:00 CET.
        Documents in Progress:
        • Working on getting a video of Attestations and curation communities in action. The update will be shared soon!
        • OpenWebSearchEU Grant Proposal is under review!
        • Alignment is in progress on the potential partnership with the African PID Alliance. Contribute to the Alignment Prospectus.
        On the Radar:
        • Help to make a dPID Bibliography in the Mattermost channel
        • Victor Wakariuki
        • Lambert Heller
        • Marcus Stocker
        пятница, 23 февраля 2024 г. в 19:55:57 UTC+1, Andrei Vukolov:

        Pouchard, Line

        Mar 5, 2024, 9:49:19 AM3/5/24
        to Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group

        Hi Andrei and all:

        Thank you for your hard work on all the coding efforts and socializing of the DPIDs.  


        I have been away for a while, so please apologies if you already discussed this topic.  My question is related to the FDO presentation at the FDO Implementation meeting at end of March:  Are there slides in progress?  How long are we supposed to present for?     Does FDO organization require the use of their template  for slides? (they did in Leiden).


        I”ll be happy to contribute when the slides are further along.


        Best wishes,




        Line Pouchard, PhD

        Computational Science Initiative, C3D

        Building 725, room 2-120


        Phone 631 344-4626

        Cell 865 405-5120


        ·         Main Updates

        o    The biweekly meeting is happening on Tuesday at 11AM EST, 5PM CET. Here's the zoom link, the focus is on continuing the institutional statement of benefits discussions. 

        o    Last call on the RDA Blog Post, thoughts and comments appreciated

        o    DeSci Labs is co-hosting a hackathon with the creators of IPFS at the end of this month. The tracks are DIDs and Permissions, Compute over Data (Data Visiting), Funding and Incentive Design, Open State Data Networks, FAIR and Semantic Publishing, and AI in Open Science. Two things: 

        §  We have an open call for hackathon ideas, does anyone from this group have problems that they want POCs for? No promises, but we can always float ideas out. The invitation hasn't officially opened yet, we already have over 100 developers signed up.

        §  Would anyone here be interested in either virtual or in-person attendance? Let me know and we can figure something out. 

        o    EuCoMeS Submission was sent out

        ·         Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)

        o    Logan has been hard at work on the Grants Listings - The process of prioritizing is starting now, come help out!

        o    Decentralized Artwork Identification proposal is working towards in a draft state

        o    See the RDA Plenary "Birds of a Feather" Session writeup. I'm still debating on submission, but it's interesting content nonetheless. Does anyone have thoughts? Additionally, are there any plenary sessions we should tie into pre-submission? Always happy to chat with folks. 

        o    ICSSI submission is in early draft, ideas and comments appreciated. The title is "Past the Landing Page: Metrics for Enhanced Reproducibility Based on Upgraded Persistent Identifier Technologies"

        o    Machine Actionable Journal Proposal for various groups is in the early draft stage, ideation appreciated

        ·         On the Radar (things we could use your help with)

        o    Identifying and writing grants and conference submissions

        o    Help to make a dPID Bibliography in the mattermost channel

        o    Statement of Benefits for Institutions - This will likely be prioritized next week

        o    Dissemination of the Initial POC to interested parties

        o    Initial ideation with African PID Alliance for uplifting the Global South

        o    Brainstorming the Machine Actionable Journal Document as a template proposal for interested parties

        ·         Helpful links

        o    Google Groups invite link - in case you know interested people ;)

        o    Google Drive Link

        ·         And finally, a warm welcome to our newest group members! We're growing fast!

        o    VBaulin from Discord

        o    Joy from Kenya

        o    Lars from Sweden

        The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 






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        On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 11:06 AM Erik van Winkle <> wrote:

        Hi everyone,


        The weekly update is as follows:

        ·         Main Updates

        o    Andrei finished both the IFAC AMEST2024 and DATASYS 2024 conference proposals

        o    The NLNet Funding proposal was submitted

        o    The Bi-weekly meeting happened on Tuesday, give it a listen when you get a chance. 

        §  Fill out the doodle poll for the timing on the next one (otherwise we will settle on every other Tuesday from 11AM-12PM EST)

        ·         Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)

        o    Logan has been hard at work on the Grants Listings - The process of prioritizing is starting now

        o    Decentralized Artwork Identification proposal is working towards in a draft state

        ·         On the Radar (things we could use your help with)

        o    Identifying and writing grants and conference submissions

        o    Help making a dPID Bibliography in the mattermost channel

        o    Statement of Benefits for Institutions - Initial content filled in on Tuesday, refinement needed

        o    Thoughts on how to integrate with the RDA Virtual Plenary

        o    Dissemination of the Initial POC to interested parties

        ·         Helpful links

        o    Rolling Agenda and Notes Document

        o    Prospectus

        o    Youtube Meeting Archive

        o    dPID Website

        o    Mattermost for asynchronous communications (Link valid for 48 hours)

        o    Google Groups invite link - in case you know interested people ;)

        o    Google Drive Link

        ·         And finally, a warm welcome to our newest group members! We're growing fast!

        o    Krzysztof from Poland

        The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 




        Error! Filename not specified.

        On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 8:33 AM Erik van Winkle <> wrote:

        Hi everyone,


        Sorry for the delay on the weekly update. Lots to talk about from last week


        The weekly update is as follows:

        ·         Main Updates

        o    The FDOF 2024 conference proposal (dpid:152) was accepted! If you're in Berlin this march, make sure to come join the conversation. Big Thanks to Andrei, Line, Erik S, and Chris H for their collaboration.

        o    The dPID Working Group section of the website is now live

        ·         No recorded meetings last week

        ·         Documents in Progress (review needed, all help is appreciated)

        o    RDA Blog Post - In final draft, please review

        o    NLNet - Final draft, due tomorrow. Please review if you get a chance. 

        o    IFAC AMEST2024 - Andrei's draft of a proposal to speak at an automation controls conference in May on dPID. The submission deadline is today.

        o    Conferences and Grants Listings - Thanks to Logan for his work identifying potential grants. We'll be prioritizing and beginning to write soon. If you have conferences in your field that could benefit from dPIDs, come join the conversation on Mattermost. We've got reference materials that can drastically shorten your writing process. 

        o    Statement of Benefits for Institutions - Blank document for now, needs to be filled with content

        ·         Helpful links

        o    Rolling Agenda and Notes Document

        o    Prospectus

        o    Youtube Meeting Archive

        o    dPID Website

        o    Mattermost for asynchronous communications (Link valid for 48 hours)

        o    Google Groups invite link - in case you know interested people ;)

        o    Google Drive Link

        ·         And finally, a warm welcome to our newest group members! We're growing fast!

        o    Lukács from Berlin

        o    Horacio from Ireland

        The conversation mainly takes place in the Mattermost, Come join if you'd like to participate in async discussions. 






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        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science

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        Image removed by sender.


        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science



        Image removed by sender.


        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science



        Image removed by sender.


        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science



        Image removed by sender.


        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science



        Image removed by sender.


        Erik Van Winkle

        Operations and Business Development Lead

        +1-404-754-8648 (EST)

        DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science

        You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "dPID-Working-Group" group.
        To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
        To view this discussion on the web visit

        Erik van Winkle

        Mar 6, 2024, 4:42:57 AM3/6/24
        to Pouchard, Line, Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group
        Hi Line,

        The plan Chris, Andrei, and I came up with was to...
        • Give more details on the top 3 (choosing between these 6) FDO Requirement Specs which showcase the native compliance of the decentralized web / dPID technology
          • G2: FDOs need to generate trust in accurate data survival over long periods of time, assuring researchers, funders, and developers that their significant effort in reusing them will be worthwhile.
          • FDOR-GR1: A PID, standing for a globally unique, persistent and resolvable identifier, is assumed to be the basis for FAIR Digital Objects. Every FDO is assigned one or more PIDs. 
          • FDO-GR11: A collection of FDOs is also an FDO. The content of collection FDOs describes its construction using an agreed formal language which specifies the relationships of the constituent members. An FDO may be a member of several collections.
          • FDO-PIDR4: The PID system which is used for the identification of FDOs must be global, robust, scalable, and demonstrate persistence.
          • FDO-PIDR5: The PID System which is used for the identification of FDOs must support high security capabilities. The owner, or owner-delegated agent, of a PID and its associated attribute-value pairs is the only actor allowed to make changes, to define accessibility to attribute-value pair information, and to request encryption of information.
          • FDO-PIDR6: Management access to the PID system needs to be secured by a public key infrastructure and if necessary the use of standardised certificates must be possible.
        • Talk about what we think an FDO typing system could mean for UI/UX work through the lens of DeSci Nodes. 
        The talk is only 10 minutes long, maybe 3 slides maximum (which we have not yet begun to create). Always open to suggestions, would you change anything around this approach? Also, we'll plan to use a simple slide format in case information needs to be changed later on. Thanks for the tip. 


        Andrei Vukolov

        Mar 9, 2024, 2:04:03 PM3/9/24
        to dPID-Working-Group
        Hello everyone!

        Here is the weekly update of the project.

        Main updates:
        Documents in Progress:
        • FDO Forum - we were asked for the slides by Line, the slides are WIP
        • DataSys ACCSE 2024 Conference Paper passed the review. The revised version is now placed in a Google document. The deadline for the camera-ready version is the 14th of March. Contributions are strongly encouraged!
        • IFAC AMEST 2024 Conference Paper passed the review. The revised version is now placed in a Google document. The deadline for the camera-ready version is the 31st of March. Contributions are strongly encouraged!
        • Statement of Benefits and Roadmap of the project need ideation and edits to ignite the dissemination!
        • Conference Presentation (templates and copypaste sources) - planned for start
        On the Radar:
          We are looking forward to see the new fellows onboard!

          Best wishes,

          вторник, 5 марта 2024 г. в 14:35:20 UTC+1, Andrei Vukolov:

          Andrei Vukolov

          Mar 15, 2024, 3:25:04 PM3/15/24
          Hello everyone!

          Here is the weekly update of the project.

          Main updates:

          Documents in Progress:

          On the Radar:

          • Royal Academies in Belgium during the European Commission’s Research and Innovation (R&I) Week launches new CoARA Working Group: Ethics and Research Integrity Policy in Responsible Research Assessment for Data and Artificial Intelligence (ERIP). The meeting is planned for 20th of March too. The Zoom link is available on the RD Alliance website. The dedicated Linkedin group is also available.
          • Conference Proposals and Grant Proposals are intended to be grouped in the same way on Google Drive.
          • IPFS Mainnet conference notes form Denver are available on Luma.

          Our warm welcome to the new fellows onboard:

          • Castedo Ellerman
          • jcera from Berkeley!

          09.03.2024 20:04, Andrei Vukolov пишет:
          You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the Google Groups "dPID-Working-Group" group.
          To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
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          To view this discussion on the web visit
          Best regards,
          Andrei Vukolov
          Scientific Computing Engineer,
          ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
          ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
          Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
          34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
          Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

          Erik van Winkle

          Mar 16, 2024, 1:33:24 PM3/16/24
          to Pouchard, Line, Andrei Vukolov, dPID-Working-Group
          Hi Line,

          Here's the link to the slides. Comments and thoughts are appreciated. I'll be building out the conclusion and call to action throughout the day today. 
