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FDO Summit Paper Publication Possibility (from Peter)

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Andrei Vukolov

Apr 12, 2024, 4:44:37 AM4/12/24
to dPID Working Group

Dear colleagues,

First of all, thanks to Peter for this notification! Now, considering our dissemination progress over the papers, we could discuss rethinking of the TDI 2024 paper (which was not accepted) as a draft for sending here, increasing the quantity of authors and filling it with new information. Please communicate your opinion!

Dear colleagues,


You have submitted an extended abstract to the FDO Summit Proceedings System. Thanks a lot again for your submission. As communicated, we did not have sufficient presentation slots. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to submit a full paper (between 4 and 8 pages) if they wish. They will be reviewed based on quality and methodology, but not on scope. Thus, you can assume that the scope of your contribution will fit.


These are the deadlines if you want to replace your extended abstract into a full paper:

  • Submission of a full paper until June 9th, 2024
  • Review process until July 26th, 2024
  • Finalising and final upload until September 15th, 2024

Please note: Those who will NOT submit a full paper will get review comments to improve their existing abstract.


It should be noted that the authors do not have to pay a fee publishing for an abstract OR a full paper. All papers will be published in the Open Conference Series of TIB – the general guidelines for authors can be found here:


If you decide to provide a full paper, inform your colleagues, and start the writing process asap. In this email we only address the “main submitting author”, so please contact your co-authors.



Please adhere to the following instructions for submission in the Proceedings System:

  • Scroll to your submission and click on “view”.
  • In the “Pre-Review Discussion” field, click on the button “Add discussion”.
  • Please proceed as suggested in the following:
    • Participants: Click on all three section editors (Dirk Betz, Claudia Biniossek, Peter Wittenburg)
    • Subject: “full paper”
    • Message: If you like, you may add comments.
    • Attached files: Please attach your full paper. After uploading, you see here your file
  • The submitted file must be formatted according to the requirements. Our template (Word/LaTex) is available at and need to be used. Please delete any sections that do not fit.
  • Please incorporate figures as separate .png or .jpg files (for Word submissions).
  • Equations and inline maths need to be provided by the authors in a separate file in KaTex format in addition to the equations/in-line math in the full paper/extended abstract (for Word submissions).
  • Please refer to our author guidelines ( )
  • Please do not link reference lists in Word (e.g. via Citavi or Mendeley). However, you can use the Word Zotero plugin if applicable.
  • All other instructions (e.g. on citation style and tables) must be followed. - Please upload as Word (for Word) or as PDF (for LaTeX); we will then need the entire LaTeX zip file to prepare the publication).


Best regards




Peter Wittenburg     Skype: peterwittenburg1     Mobile: +49 15159062731 ; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3538-0106

FDO Zoom Meeting:


Erik van Winkle

Apr 16, 2024, 1:38:44 PM4/16/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID Working Group
Hi Andrei,

Yes, I think this could make sense. Also, it's nice that we made large swathes of the content already made. Did you have any particular new information in mind? It's possible that we can include pieces from the FDO Submission itself as well.


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Erik Van Winkle

Operations and Business Development Lead

+1-404-754-8648 (EST)

DeSci Labs | Building the Tech Stack for Open Science

Andrei Vukolov

Apr 21, 2024, 9:40:34 AM4/21/24
to dPID-Working-Group,
Dear Erik,
Till now I do not have any particularly new information to include, so I would suggest conjoining the materials from the TDI 2024 paper and FDO submission, maybe, with some additions about the existing state of the Nodes ecosystem. I will include this in the Agenda for the next Tuesday.

вторник, 16 апреля 2024 г. в 19:38:44 UTC+2,
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