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Next Biweekly Meeting: 30.01.2024, 17:00-18:00 CET Resource Gathering and Dissemination Progress Discussion

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Andrei Vukolov

Jan 26, 2024, 3:34:29 PM1/26/24
to dPID Working Group
Dear all,
The next biweekly meeting is planned after Doodle poll for Tuesday, 30.01.2024, 17:00-18:00 CET. Please use the following link to connect and participate

The agenda for this meeting includes the following points:
  • Ideation around Statement of Benefits for Institutions (all possible help is strongly encouraged!)

  • Conference and Grant Identification/Prioritization

    • [Grant] NLnet - Application is on the way

    • [Conference] IFAC AMEST 2024 Cagliari - Paper draft prepared for final review and submission, deadline is 31st of January - green light for conversion and submission

    • [Conference] DATASYS 2024 Congress - ACCSE 2024 - Initial draft is on the way, deadline is 5th of February - prioritized task.

    • [Conference] EUCOMES 2024 - Initial draft is on the way, deadline 16th of February 2024 - prioritized task

    • [Conference] TDI 2024 - Deadline is 23rd of February 2024, assistance needed

  • Introduction of the Decentralised Artwork Identification and Provenance project proposal (data model, trust model). (Linda

  • RDA blog post review and green light

    • Version 2 is ready for review! I doubt we'll get to it in the call, but give it a read when you get a chance. 

  • Collaboration with SciLife Labs - introduction of the proposal

  • [Given time] Website prototype review

  • [Given time] RDA Plenary Ideation and Networking

    • In the realm of conferences, special attention is going to the RDA 22nd Plenary. WG participation (either as a standalone event or as an add-on to existing RDA Working Groups)

  • [Given time] Vision and Mission Ideation (planning of the dedicated meeting?)

Please do not hesitate to place your edits and proposals to the Rolling Agenda document:

and to join our Mattermost channels for asynchronous communication.
Best regards,
Andrei Vukolov
Scientific Computing Engineer,
ExPaNDS project ( Data Stewardship Engineer
ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste (
Strada Statale 14 - 163.5km, AREA Science Park,
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel.: +39 348 888 4453

Francis P. Crawley

Jan 30, 2024, 12:35:05 PM1/30/24
to Andrei Vukolov, dPID Working Group

Dear Andrei, Erik, and everyone,


Thank you for such a good meeting today. I was unaware of the NLNet Foundation NGI Core Zero Grant Call until the meeting today. We have with CODATA a small project with UNESCO on ‘Data Policy for Times of Crisis Facilitated by Open Science’ (see attached). I would like to put in an application to NLNet tomorrow for a similar grant. Are there any objections if I would do this? Any feelings or discomfort or this being inappropriate. Please let me know. Again, I only know about this opportunity due to today’s meeting and your sharing.


Btw, we would eventually like support on this from the dpid-wg as we eventually move from policy to systems, tools, and services for the same.


Kind regards,




Francis P. Crawley

Executive Director, Good Clinical Practice Alliance – Europe (GCPA)

Chair, CODATA International Data Policy Committee (IDPC)

Co-chair, EOSC-Future / RDA Artificial Intelligence & Data Visitation Working Group (AIDV-WG)

EOSC-Future / RDA Ambassador for Ethics & Law

Coordinator, Ukraine Clinical Research Support Initiative (UCRSI)

Leuven, Belgium

Mobile: +32 495 23 11 11 (also for WhatsApp)


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UNESCO-DPCT Project Timeline 23-09-25_16.0.pdf

Erik van Winkle

Jan 30, 2024, 12:44:33 PM1/30/24
to Francis P. Crawley, Andrei Vukolov, dPID Working Group
Hi Francis, 

Not a problem at all! 

To your points in the call, the reliability of distributed infrastructures paired with the integrity of content addressing can help us work towards a future of institutional control with more reliable frameworks for data sharing. The grant is set up to allow for follow-on work, it would be interesting to think about successive rounds that can combine problem and solution. Let me know if you need help writing or a second set of eyes for review, I'd be more than happy to. 


Francis P. Crawley

Feb 2, 2024, 11:48:53 AM2/2/24
to Erik van Winkle, Andrei Vukolov, dPID Working Group

Dear Erik and everyone,


Thank you for your generosity and support regarding the NLNet Foundation NGI Core Zero Grant Call. I want to inform you that, on behalf of CODATA, I submitted a proposal as well. See the attached (nb we did not include attachments).


Kind regards,




Francis P. Crawley

Chairman, CODATA International Data Policy Committee (IDPC)

BE-3010 Leuven, Belgium

Telephone: +32 495 23 11 11 (also for WhatsApp)



Fwd: [Core_Fund]
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