Looking for someone experienced for building Javascript bindings for Dart and Angular dart

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Christoph Hermann

Jun 18, 2019, 1:37:37 AM6/18/19
to Dart Web Development

I'm looking for someone with some experience in angular dart and building javascript dart bindings. Can you point me to the right directions where to post such a project offer? Thank you very much!

The project focuses on writing Dart bindings or re-implementing the Keycloak JavaScript Adapter (https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/securing_apps/index.html#_javascript_adapter) in the Dart programming language. In addition to the plain bindings a package for using this adapter in an Angular Dart application has to be developed. The Angular Dart package has to have the following abilities:

- Reading keycloak JSON configuration files

- Securing routes with roles provided by the OAuth2/OIDC mechanism of Keycloak (Denying access for not allowed roles)

- Securing Angular Dart Components by the OAuth2/OIDC mechanism of Keycloak (required roles for displaying/rendering, required roles for read only access, required roles for read/write access to the component

- Some kind of service mechanism to obtain refresh tokens

- Some kind of service mechanism to obtain user information (Name, roles, scopes, etc.) from the token

- Some kind of service mechanism to have access to an API equivalent to the JavaScript adapter's API (in a more dartish style)

- automated tests

- tiny demo Angular Dart single page app featuring the newly developed bindings

Thank you and best regards
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