Dart executables for Android and Fuchsia

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Natalie Weizenbaum

Dec 28, 2023, 6:31:45 PM12/28/23
to General Dart Discussion
Hi folks,

I maintain the cli_pkg package, which provides utilities for deploying command-line applications written in Dart to a variety of platforms. I'd like to support all the same platforms that Dart does, including Android and Fuchsia (the former at least does have active users), but the usual SDK download URL https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/<version>/sdk/dartsdk-<os>-<arch-release.zip doesn't seem to exist for these URLs.

I don't necessarily need the entire SDK, just the Dart executable—enough to run a script snapshot. Do prebuilt executables exist for these platforms? If so, where might I find one?

- Natalie
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