Many changes in dart:async, dart:core:
The separator argument in Iterable.join defaults to “” (instead of `null`).
All DateTime constants are non-abbreviated. Also changed DAYS_IN_WEEK to DAYS_PER_WEEK.
Removed deprecated classes and methods
Iterable/Stream . max/min
Collection (List, Set and Queue now extend Iterable directly)
IOSink.writeStream (renamed to IOSink.addStream)
IOSink.writeBytes (renamed to IOSink.add)
StreamSink (renamed to EventSink)
Iterable.reduce/Stream.reduce introduced that does not require an initial value.
List range functions were refactored:
List.getRange takes an endIndex argument and returns an Iterable.
List.setRange takes an endIndex and an iterable (plus an optional skipCount).
List.removeRange takes an endIndex.
List.insertRange got removed.
List.replaceRange was added.
List.fillRange was added.
List.setAll was added. (not strictly speaking a range function).
Stream.hasSubscribers -> Stream.hasListener
Removed async:EventSinkView.
Removed the AsyncError class.
Removed StreamController.broadcast.
dart:html has had most Web Worker related APIs removed while the correct API is worked out. The Worker class remains for spawning Javascript workers
Renamed InvocationMirror to Invocation
Function.apply uses Symbol for named arguments
Consider asking HOWTO questions at Stack Overflow:
I saw no issues when I promoted the build. We will get it fixed soon.
With Dart Editor build 21548 I get the following error that I did not have before (I cannot relate the error with my code):NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named 'listen'Receiver: Instance of '_RawSocket@0x1da10ec4'Tried calling: listen(Closure: (dynamic, RawSocketEvent) => dynamic from Function '_onData@0x53e688e':., unsubscribeOnError: true, onError: Closure: (dynamic, dynamic) => dynamic, onDone: Closure: (dynamic) => dynamic)Found: listen(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError)
The blog post says "core and collection libraries" are stable. Assuming this consists of:
dart:coredart:asyncdart:collectionIs that correct?
The blog post says "core and collection libraries" are stable. Assuming this consists of:
dart:coredart:asyncdart:collectionIs that correct?
> Hi Darters
Hi Lars,
awesome to hear from you again. If I count correctly, this is your third email to this list :-) I just wanted to point out that the usual designation of this community is "Dartisans" :-)
No, seriously, great work. Even though I sometimes feel that you are rushing things too much (like... I'd really love the dart: async library to get a facelift, and removing Collection is just... I'd rather rename Iterable to Collection).
Thanks, anyway!
Does this mean that the classes in these libraries will never get any new instance methods, since that would break implementors of the classes? Please say no. :-)
Similarly, will these libraries never get any new top-level declarations (classes, methods, variables, typedefs, enums) since that could cause name collisions when using them?
Does this mean that the classes in these libraries will never get any new instance methods, since that would break implementors of the classes? Please say no. :-)We will try not to, but we already discovered that Stream.forEach was missing.
1. enum became a keyword (dart breaks on var enum = 1;)
1. enum became a keyword (dart breaks on var enum = 1;)
Where's the updated specification, anyway? :-)LT
Hi DartersPlease check out our new Dart blog post about today's release of Dart SDK M4.The core libraries are now stable (no more breaking changes) and runtime performance is up.The next phase of the Dart project is maturing the platform by focusing on bug fixing and, of course, making it even faster.Enjoy the release,Lars Bak