Codemirror Dart vs. Comid

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Greg Lusk

Jul 27, 2016, 11:06:45 AM7/27/16
to Dart Misc
On Github, there are two Dart implementations of Codemirror: Codemirror Dart, which is JS interop and appears to be used in the Dartpad project, and Comid, which is a pure Dart implementation. Has anyone used either of these projects? If so, do you prefer one over the other? I like the idea of a pure Dart implementation because it seems easier to debug.


Robert Åkerblom-Andersson

Jul 30, 2016, 12:13:11 PM7/30/16
to Dart Misc
Hi Greg,

We use the JS interop version ( and it has worked good for us at Sourcevoid. Specifically we use it in our Mongodb tool/editor, it uses the json mode and allow you to add/remove/update any entry in your database(s). I have not tried the Comid one but based on the lack of activity in the repo I would be careful starting to use it in a production project right now, simply based on the activity on Github, but I might be wrong, authors or people involved with Comid are very much free to correct me here. 

Is there any specific use case you are looking to use Codemirror for?

Cheers, Robert

Greg Lusk

Jul 30, 2016, 4:50:22 PM7/30/16
Thanks for the reply, Robert.

We plan to develop several editors for some domain specific languages that we either have already created, or will be creating within the next year. We want the autocomplete hints to be based on both predefined keywords as well as other objects in various parts of the configuration. We are currently exploring options for implementing the hints, including the show-hint and the XML-hint addons, with a custom schemaInfo. We will probably also have to create a new mode for our DSLs, or multiplex existing ones, and I'm not excited about writing a mode in Javascript. It looks like it would be a lot friendlier to write it in Dart, so that's why the Comid (pure Dart) version seemed attractive to us.

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Robert Åkerblom-Andersson

Jul 30, 2016, 5:20:21 PM7/30/16
to Dart Misc
No problem Greg, I understand your situation.

Sounds like it might be worth the effort to maybe investigate Comid a little further and see how well it works. If I were you I would give Comid one or a few days (depending on how complex your use case it) of testing/prototyping and then make the decision. If it seems like Comid is not good enough after that phase then go with the codemirror (JS interop based) package instead.

Cheers, Robert
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