Returning values from streams

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Mar 22, 2023, 11:02:45 AM3/22/23
to Dart Misc
Hi there, there are many things about streams that are still perplexing to me, for example:

Future<AuthError?> connect(String user, String pw) {

    connectStream.take(1).listen((_) { return null; }, onError: (error) { return error;});
    return resultOfStream?

What is the accepted way to return null from the function if there is a single result or the error if there is an error?  I know I can return await Completer().future at the end of the function but that seems rather messy.  Is that the only way?

I was trying to figure out how to rework the stream so that it put null into a Future on a good result and put the error into a future on a bad result and return the result of the connect stream directly but couldn't figure that out.


Mar 22, 2023, 12:14:13 PM3/22/23
to Dart Misc, Malibu
To clarify, this is basically what I want to accomplish but without using a completer:

Future<AuthError?> connect(String user, String pw) async {
    connectCompletion = Completer()
    connectStream.take(1).listen((_) { connectCompletion.complete(null); }, onError: (error) { connectCompletion.complete(error);});
    return connectCompletion.future

Bob Nystrom

Mar 22, 2023, 1:39:20 PM3/22/23
to, Malibu
I'm not an expert on streams, but I would try:

Future<AuthError?> connect(String user, String pw) async {
  try {
    await connectStream.first;
  } on AuthError catch (error) {
    return error;
  // If we get here, we got a value.
  return null;

– bob

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Bob Nystrom

Mar 22, 2023, 4:40:55 PM3/22/23
to Malibu, Dart Misc
Stream.first returns a Future and it's specified that any errors produced by the stream will be routed through that returned Future.

– bob 

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 11:27 AM Malibu <> wrote:
Yes, that worked.  Thank you!

So I had tried the same thing but with:

await connectStream.listen( (_) { } );

instead of:

await connectStream.first;

But in my case, the exception did not propagate up to the try/catch block.  It stayed within the stream and reported an uncaught exception.  Do you know why the .first causes different exception handling?


Mar 23, 2023, 6:35:05 AM3/23/23
to Dart Misc, Bob Nystrom, Malibu
Yes, that worked.  Thank you!

So I had tried the same thing but with:

await connectStream.listen( (_) { } );

instead of:

await connectStream.first;

But in my case, the exception did not propagate up to the try/catch block.  It stayed within the stream and reported an uncaught exception.  Do you know why the .first causes different exception handling?

On Wednesday, 22 March 2023 at 14:39:20 UTC-3 Bob Nystrom wrote:


Mar 23, 2023, 6:35:05 AM3/23/23
to Dart Misc, Bob Nystrom, Dart Misc, Malibu
Ach, I read the page on Futures and Error handling five times and it only talks about future functions for error handling.  It would have been nice if they started with try-catch on a future.  But that is on the page about 'Asyncrony support'.  When I read 'errors will be routed through that returned future' I thought that meant you had to use a future function.

So I guess whenever you want an exception from a stream to propagate to the outside you need to end the stream with a future somehow.

Thank you for helping me learn this.
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