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[dart-announce] Breaking change 56308: On Windows refer to special null file as '\\?\nul' rather than 'nul'

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'Alexander Aprelev' via Dart Announcements

Jul 25, 2024, 11:22:22 AM7/25/24
to Dart Announcements
Recent version of Windows allows to use to long path names up to 32k characters [1]. Use of this feature has been requested by Dart users and implemented in parts of dart:io, but not consistently. We want to uniformly use long path names functionality in dart:io. One side-effect of this is that Windows long-path compatible naming of a special NUL device has to be '\\?\NUL', rather than just 'NUL'.

So this is the breaking change we are proposing: sample code
`File('NUL').writeAsBytesSync(bytes);` becomes `File(r'\\?\NUL').writeAsBytesSync(bytes);`.

If you have any thoughts or concerns about this please leave your feedback on

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