void main() {
new ImageScaler.start();
class ImageScaler {
ImageScaler.start() {
void observeFileInput() {
InputElement fileElement = query("#file");
fileElement.on.change.add((Event e) {
}, true);
void processFiles(List<File> files) {
for (File file in files) {
void processFile(File file) {
if (!isAnImage(file)) {
window.alert("Oops, that wasn't an image, can you try an image?");
bool isAnImage(File file) {
Pattern pattern = new RegExp(@"(jpeg|png)");
bool b = false;
if (file.type.toString().contains(pattern) == true) {
b = true;
return b;
void readIn(File file) {
FileReader reader = new FileReader();
reader.on.loadEnd.add((e) => scale(reader.result)); // source?
void scale(String base64) { // getting called twice???
final double scaleToRatio = .5;
void main() {
new ImageScaler.start();
class ImageScaler {
ImageScaler.start() {
void observeFileInput() {
InputElement fileElement = query("#file");
fileElement.on.change.add((e) => processFiles(fileElement.files), true);
void processFiles(List<File> files) {
for (File file in files) {
void processFile(File file) {
if (!isAnImage(file)) {
window.alert("Oops, that wasn't an image, can you try an image?");
bool isAnImage(File file) {
Pattern pattern = new RegExp(@"(jpeg|png)");
bool b = false;
if (file.type.toString().contains(pattern) == true) {
b = true;
return b;
void readIn(File file) {
FileReader reader = new FileReader();
reader.on.loadEnd.add((e) => createImageElement(reader.result));
void createImageElement(String base64) {
// set the image data and wait for image onload to fire
ImageElement originalImg = query("#originImg");
originalImg.on.load.add((e) => scale(originalImg));
originalImg.src = base64;
void scale(ImageElement imageElement) {
CanvasElement canvas = query("#canvas");
CanvasRenderingContext2D context = canvas.context2d;
// scale the image with ratio
num height = (imageElement.height * scaleToRatio).toInt();
num width = (imageElement.width * scaleToRatio).toInt();
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
print("canvas height=$height width=$width");
// tell it to scale image
context.scale(scaleToRatio, scaleToRatio);
// draw image to canvas
context.drawImage(imageElement, 0, 0);
Great question, thanks for asking :)It's more likely I didn't understand the API, but I had something built with GWT/javascript to compare too. I was getting two print outs after the file reader onload, which gave me the impression the onload and onloadend event was getting fired twice. Although, I think it could have been the console output was funky, b/c some of the previous prints where overwritten. So, once I added and changed the last methods everything seem to work as designed and I no longer saw two outputs (also to note only one file was read with two load events). I've done the same thing with GWT with some native javascript and both do the exact same thing. My two suspects for checking if I dug further would be the console output after the filereader onload event or is there something related to the console print out. I would need to backup my commits to the spot I was in where it was happening last. Last I checked last night it was working fine.Would you like to see if I could replicate it?