Build older version of Dart from source

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Nov 25, 2015, 6:03:58 AM11/25/15
to Dart Compiler Developers

is there a way to built Dart from sources for an older version of Dart/dart2js (i.e., given a commit hash),
using gclient ? This worked for us for the old svn repository, but does not seem to be possible for the
new repository structure ?

Thank you very much and best regards
Thomas Heinze

Rico Wind

Nov 25, 2015, 6:18:51 AM11/25/15
to Thomas, Dart Compiler Developers
Hey Thomas,

That depends: how old
If the version predates the move to github, you will need to pull it from an svn mirror (I am not even sure we have a public one, but if need be I can provide you with a dump). Sorry if this is the case, the old structure was simply to tied to svn structure to be moveable.

If it is recent, i.e., less than 6 months old, it depends on if you use managed or unmanged gclient checkout, the most simple I can give you is unmanaged:
mkdir /tmp/dart
cd /tmp/dart
fetch dart <--- requires depot tools in path
cd dart
git checkout #HASH
gclient sync

You should be good to build now

For what it is worth, we do have archived versions of all our dev/stable releases, and also have source tarballs, see (src tarballs are under the linux_packages/debian_wheezy/ inner folder)


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Nov 26, 2015, 11:15:53 AM11/26/15
to Dart Compiler Developers,
Hej Rico,

thanks for immediate reply. Apparently, we got the old solution based upon SVN running, as there was only one broken depdency (sunflower-sample) which we were able to override in the .gclient file., thus:

git svn clone -r45011 dart
gclient sync --revision r45011 -n && gclient runhooks

However, do you have any idea how long there will be support for this solution in the future, i.e., the SVN server running ?

Thanks and best regards
Thomas Heinze

Rico Wind

Nov 26, 2015, 1:01:51 PM11/26/15
to Thomas, Dart Compiler Developers
It will probably die in the not so distant future.

If I were you I would make a mirror of it before it goes away, it is pretty simple, I have used something like this before (it will take some hours, but who cares):

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