Hey guys, i'm trying to setup my SSL certificate with 1.13. Currently works fine in 1.12 but with the new BoringSSL implementation, i'm having a bunch of trouble.
First, i have a private key, .pem format. no password (ven.pem)
From my SSL provider, i got ws_ven_chat.crt, AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt, COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt
i generated a second .pem file with the cat of the files about, in this order
cat ws_ven_chat.crt, COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt, COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt, AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > cert_chain.pem
Once I had the cert_chain.pem
I did the following.
SecurityContext secure = new SecurityContext()
HttpServer secureApp = await HttpServer.bindSecure(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, port + 1, secure, shared: true);
secureApp.listen((HttpRequest req) => _handleHttpRequest(req), onError: (error) {
}, cancelOnError: false);
Now when i connect to this resource, it just hangs. Nothing connects, no error, no response. I tried a different order for the cert_chain.pem, same thing, no error, no response, just hangs.
To make sure it was actually reading the files, i tried a different .pem file with a password, and it throws an error because it can't read the private key without the password.
I feel like there is something obvious I am missing!
Any help would be appreciated