AppEngine: vm instances multiplying and more ...

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Alexey Panteleev

Jan 19, 2016, 2:20:12 AM1/19/16
to Dart Server-side and Cloud Development
Hello Dart team,

I hope someone will be able to help me.

I spent most of the weekend figuring out how to build, run locally, and deploy to GCloud my trial Dart server code. This is my first time with GCloud.
Much of documentation is outdated and I agree with other folks in this forum that it the experience is pretty tough but I've been able to learn the Docker  approach and start my app with (realized that I don't need Docker for this).

Today I am trying to deploy my app to appengine but am hitting multiple issues:

1. My vm instances multiple every time I run gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --promote

Why is this happening? Isn't the deploy smart enough to stop my old instances before starting the new ones?

I go to my console and stop/delete them but after a new deploy I see even more instances running. Crazy!

2. My app works fine when I test it locally with but in GCloud I get "Invalid response status code".

I understand already why this may be happening as I hit this in my dev environment a few times when my handler was not returning any Response() object. But I don't know where this may be happening in production. Is there a way to see what is possibly breaking in my code when it's deployed, perhaps an exception is not caught properly?

I really like Dart but deploying my first server app to GCloude has been quite discouraging so far.

Thank you

Alexey Panteleev

Jan 19, 2016, 3:28:12 AM1/19/16
to Dart Server-side and Cloud Development
One correction. It's the Compute Engine console that shows me the growing number of instances.
The App Engine console seems to be showing the one instance that I configured manually.

Also I figured out how to get access to the logging from Dart: 

var log =;

Alexey Panteleev

Jan 19, 2016, 3:57:09 AM1/19/16
to Dart Server-side and Cloud Development
re: #2, logging shows me that the my request handler enters http.get(url) but then never gets to 'then' or 'onError'.
Is there some kind of a firewall/limitation on external http calls?

return await http
.then((resp) {
"Got it ${resp.body}");

On Monday, January 18, 2016 at 6:20:12 PM UTC-8, Alexey Panteleev wrote:
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