Why is this happening? Isn't the deploy smart enough to stop my old instances before starting the new ones?
I go to my console and stop/delete them but after a new deploy I see even more instances running. Crazy!
2. My app works fine when I test it locally with dev_appserver.py but in GCloud I get "Invalid response status code".
I understand already why this may be happening as I hit this in my dev environment a few times when my handler was not returning any Response() object. But I don't know where this may be happening in production. Is there a way to see what is possibly breaking in my code when it's deployed, perhaps an exception is not caught properly?
I really like Dart but deploying my first server app to GCloude has been quite discouraging so far.
Thank you
var log = context.services.logging;
return await http
.then((resp) {
log.info("Got it ${resp.body}");