Dart 1.9.1 Release Notes

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Kevin Moore

Mar 26, 2015, 5:40:45 PM3/26/15
to anno...@dartlang.org

Language changes

  • Support for async, await, sync *, async* yield, yield*, await for – learn more here

  • enum is fully enabled – read about it on the language tour under Enumerated Types

Tool changes

  • Improved formatter

  • Analysis Server integration into IntelliJ plugin and Dart Editor

  • Improved code analysis

    • Runs out of process in IDEs, so interaction remains smooth, even for large projects

    • More and better hints, including unused variables and unused private members

Core library changes


  • New model for shared server sockets – no need for Socket reference, implemented on all platforms

  • New, much faster regexp engine

  • Isolate APIs now works across VM and dart2js


For more information on any of these changes, see the corresponding documentation on the Dart API site.

  • dart:async

    • Future.wait added a new named argument: cleanUp

    • new class: SynchronousStreamController

  • dart:collection

    • SplayTreeSet added a new constructor: from(Iterable)

  • dart:convert

    • Utf8Encoder.convert and Utf8Decoder.convert added optional start and end arguments

  • dart:core

    • RangeError added new static helper functions: checkNotNegative, checkValidIndex, checkValidRange, checkValueInInterval

    • int added modPow function

    • String added replaceFirstMapped and replaceRange

  • dart:io

    • New classes: FileLock and ProcessStartMode

    • File added lock, lockSync, unlock, and unlockSync.

    • HttpServer static methods bind and bindSecure added named arguments v6Only and shared.

    • Process.start added mode (ProcessStartMode) argument.

    • Process added static method killPid.

    • ServerSocket.bind, RawServerSocket.bind, SecureServerSocket.bind and RawSecureServerSocket.bind methods added new argument shared.

    • SocketReference methods and classes have been marked as deprecated.

    • Socket and RawSocket static method connect added sourceAddress argument.

    • Stdout added nonBlocking instance property

  • dart:isolate

    • Isolate added static getter current

    • Isolate APIs now works on the VM, including addOnExitListener, removeOnExitListener, setErrorsFatal, addOnErrorListener, removeOnErrorListener

    • spawnFunction now allows passing top-level and static functions as in the message argument.

Kevin Moore

Mar 26, 2015, 6:49:33 PM3/26/15
to anno...@dartlang.org
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