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Chalice News & Notes 12.27.24

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Chalice Admin

Dec 27, 2024, 5:01:51 PM12/27/24


We Nurture Spiritually Courageous People

Who Transform the World through 

Justice and Compassion

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

Upcoming Events

Dec. 29 - Undeck the Halls - after service at Chalice (volunteers needed!)

Jan. 5 - Neighborhood Networks - after service at Chalice or online

Jan. 11 - Gen XYZ Drum Circle & Potluck - 5 pm Chalice Lounge

Jan. 12 - Cottage Conversations - 12 noon in person at Chalice

Jan. 15 - Cottage Conversations - 6pm on Zoom

Jan. 16 - Cottage Conversations - 7pm on Zoom 

Jan. 22 - Cottage Conversations - 2pm in person at Chalice

RSVP Now! - Cottage Conversation signup 

Jan. 25 - Climate Justice Revival - 10am -2:00 pm at Chalice

Jan. 26 - Climate Justice Revival - after service at Chalice


Onsite & Online ~  10 am 

Merlin Snider

How to Be Happy All the Time

Did you smile when you read the title of today’s service? That’s a good start. Is the purpose of life to be happy all the time, anyway? Is this too many questions? How should I know? I’m just a student of life, like you. But after seven decades of watching the wheel turn I’m starting to see some patterns. And I know Maya Angelou spoke the truth when she said, “Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.” Let’s explore together, shall we?

Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am: 

Meeting ID: 209 555 249

Phone: 16699009128

Password: 2020

You can also view our Livestream on FB:

Calling all holiday elves! After service this Sunday, December 29th, we will take down our holiday decorations and put them away for another year. Anyone who can spare a bit of time after service to help un-decorate our Chalice home, your helping hands would be greatly appreciated!

January 5th 

Black Eyed Peas & Corn Bread, Oh My!

Join us for a Southern tradition to call in the new year with a vegan meal of black-eyed peas with greens and cornbread after services on January 5th!  We’ll be servin’ them up so you can enjoy a little new’s year yum at your Neighborhood Network Gathering!

Calling all dessert makers...Desserts welcome!

If you’d like to help out by bringing a dessert to share, please click link for Sign-Up Genius here:

If questions, please reach out to Grenda David at (818) 416-3246 or or Sharon Slentz at ‭(209) 575-4132‬ or

Chalice Lighting

To start your day, a meeting, or before a meal

We light this chalice on the brink of a new year

Letting go of what has been

Open and hopeful for what may come

Renewed, restored, ready

To live Life fully anew

May we move forward with intention.

~ Lois Van Leer

Minister’s Schedule

Rev. Nica will be taking personal leave, vacation and study leave starting Monday, November 25  and returning Tuesday, January 7th. She will not be available by email or text during that time. Our wonderful worship services will continue with special guest speakers. 

Please refer general matters to our Administrator, Ana Krista Johnson at or reach out to Board President, Annie Barker, with any urgent issues at Our Pastoral Care team is also available at

Thank you for granting Rev. Nica this important time of rest, study and renewal.

Sunday, January 5th Families Care

Donations for Care Kits Gratefully Accepted!

Neighborhood Networks Dot Sunday

Stay after service Sunday January 5th

 to connect with your neighbors!

It is a great opportunity to connect with Chalice members and friends who live near you and get to know each other in a smaller group setting. 

There will be both in person and virtual options. 

Any questions? Reach out to Sharon Slentz who is our 

Neighborhood Network Director.


2nd Saturdays Starting January 11th 

5pm in the Lounge

Cottage Conversations: What does our future look like? 

Please come to our Cottage Conversations, available on four different dates and times. This will be an opportunity to share in a small group the ways that Chalice and its new Sanctuary bring meaning to your life. 

Think of it as a social & community event, not a meeting. Please consider bringing a potluck item to share. If you choose one of the zoom sessions, feel free to also eat while discussing.

We invite you to attend one of these sessions. Either: 

Sun. Jan. 12th at 12 noon in person at Chalice

Wed. Jan. 15th at 6pm on Zoom

Thur. Jan. 16th at 7pm on Zoom 

Wed. Jan. 22th at 2pm in person at Chalice

Let us know which session you’d like to attend at:

 Cottage Conversation signup 

and we’ll send you a reminder in January.

Happy Holidays,   Your Board of Trustees

Save the Date! 

Chalice Climate Justice Revival 

 January 25 10 am-2:00 pm 

& after service on the 26th

Day One will include carefully designed facilitated dialog sessions for adults and interested youth to reflect, relate to each other and the larger group while creatively engaging together. Scripts are based on systems thinking principles, relational organizing and practices for complex problems. They are intended to help build trust and connection as we:

1. develop a “rich picture” of where we want to be locally, across many perspectives

2. value self-care with somatic exercise and take time to acknowledge obstacles together,

3. explore our collective capacity, practice genuine appreciation, with grace for our imperfections

4. create sacred circles of individual and collective commitment to live into our vision.

Day Two is for meaningful worship and music, a dedicated special collection for a local group, followed by an hour of group engagement around action.

Love In Action Opportunities

As a new addition to our Newsletter, we’ve created a document that all can contribute to and reference. This ongoing living document is intended to give us all opportunities to build and strengthen links to the wider community, live out our values and be the change we want to see in the world. Each time one of us participates outside of the Chalice walls we strengthen our interdependent web of life and deepen our resilience. 

Do you know of any events or volunteering opportunities you'd like us to invite our members to participate in?  If so, please share the information here: 


Chalice has many Social Action groups 

to engage with on a monthly basis! 

Racial & Cultural Justice Team: 1st Monday zoom meetings at 5:30pm each month.

BIPOC UU Tri-County Collaborative: currently on hiatus

The Citizen’s Climate Lobby Meeting: 2nd Saturday of the month - 9 am 

Chalice Climate Action Team Meeting: 4th Sunday of the Month @ 12:30 Community Forum Team Meeting: 3rd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. 

Contact for more information

Consider joining the Chalice Social Justice Facebook group. To learn about latest events supporting Black Lives Matter, Climate Justice and other concerns, click  on:  

Listen to the Chalice Podcast Here!

Or Here:

Follow Us to be notified about new episodes!

Other ways to get involved or stay connected:

Or reach out to us here:

Chalice Office # (805) 498-9548 - Messages will be checked regularly.

Rev. Nica Eaton, Minister,

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

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