Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Reverend Nica Eaton & Cory Hills
Storytelling with Sound
Special guest Cory Hills uses the power of percussion to deliver fun and engaging stories. While his typical audience is kids, there is much all of us can learn from his adaptations of old folktales, classics, and original stories. Be transported with some of the most unique instruments by this Grammy award-winning, two album-producing artist. Young ones won’t want to miss this interactive treat!
Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
You can also view our Livestream on FB:
Performance - Cory Hill
Introduction - Shane Niebergall
Welcome- Reverend Nica Eaton
Chalice Lighting - Shane Niebergall
Opening Hymn - #128 For All that is our Life
Time for All Ages - Cory Hill
Manna Collection - Reverend Nica Eaton
Announcements - Shane Niebergall
Offering Words - Shane Niebergall
Offering Music - Anthony Concepcion
Receiving the Offering - Rev. Nica Eaton
Joys and Sorrows - If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
Sermon - Cory Hill & Rev. Nica Eaton
Closing Hymn - #1074 Turn the World Around
Benediction - Reverend Nica Eaton
Extinguishing the Chalice - Shane Niebergall
Closing Words - Reverend Nica Eaton
Postlude - Anthony Concepcion