We Nurture Spiritually Courageous People
Who Transform the World through
Justice and Compassion
Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.
Upcoming Events
May 11 - Fellowship Hall Move Workday 1 - 9:30 -1:30 in FH. To help contact Randy Slentz - slent...@gmail.com
May 12 - Bring Your Mother to Chalice for Mother’s Day - 10 am Sanctuary
May 17 - Community Forum - Film & Discussion: “The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture” - 7pm in person only 3327 Old Conejo Rd.
Please register for the forum in advance here:
May 18 - Fellowship Hall Move Workday 2 - 9:30 -1:30 in FH. To help contact Randy Slentz - slent...@gmail.com
May 19 - Pancake Breakfast - 11:30 am Social Hall
May 19 - Congregational Meeting on our Move - Noon Sanctuary
Workday Times: From 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Our last service in the Sanctuary will be June 16th. We’re preparing Fellowship Hall to be able to hold our services in the Social Hall starting in July. We’d love to have many hands for the following:
May 11 - Clean, patch and touch up paint in the large room, remove items from walls as needed, etc.
May 18 - Clean floors and windows, downstairs, move unwanted furniture out, etc.
If you are available to help us, please reach out to Randy Slentz at: slent...@gmail.com
This Sunday!
May 12th is Bring Your Mother to Chalice Day
Bring Your Mother to Chalice for Mother’s Day and share in our celebration of women and how each of us can impact change in the world!
Onsite and Online ~ 10 am
Grenda David
Beyond Cookbooks & Flowers:
Why Mother’s Day Matters More Than Ever in this Election Year
Every day women in America created Mother’s Day not simply to honor women, but to unify and empower women to make social justice change. Let’s step back in time together to revisit the origins of Mother’s Day to remember how unstoppable we can be when united behind our determination to create a just and loving world. Along the journey, Grenda will share about her experience going to the Women’s March on Washington and offer a call to action and share ways to make our voices matter in this election year.
Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
You can also view our Livestream on FB: https://www.facebook.com/ChaliceUUF
Chalice Lighting
To start your day, a meeting, or before a meal
There are various names people use for god - Allah, Almighty, Jesus and hundreds of other names but the one I like the most is 'mother'.
~ Shamsir Alam
May 19th - Pancake Breakfast
Film & Discussion
1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture
Friday, May 17th – 7:00 p.m. PT (in person only)
This feature documentary chronicles the discovery of evidence that casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. “1946” is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.
Event location: Chalice – 3327 Old Conejo Rd., Newbury Park, CA
Please register for the forum in advance here:
Chalice has many Social Action groups
to engage with on a monthly basis!
Racial & Cultural Justice Team: 1st Monday zoom meetings at 5:30pm each month.
BIPOC UU Tri-County Collaborative: 2nd Thursday of the month once a quarter - Next meeting June 13th 6 pm
The Citizen’s Climate Lobby Meeting: 2nd Saturday of the month - 9 am
Chalice Climate Action Team Meeting: 4th Sunday of the Month @ 12:30
Community Forum Team meeting: 3rd Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Contact Justice...@chaliceuu.org for more information
Consider joining the Chalice Social Justice Facebook group. To learn about latest events supporting Black Lives Matter, Climate Justice and other concerns, click on:
Dear Friends,
We will NOT be meeting this Sunday. We will continue to collect and mail Virginia cards and expect more cards for many other states in mid May. We wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day!
Jill and Pamela
Guided Tour of the Santa Clara Preserve
Saturday, May 18th at 9:30am
1368 Mission Rock Road, Santa Paula, CA 93060
2 hour tour
2 mile hike (minimal elevation gain)
Please bring close-toed shoes, sunhat, water and sunscreen
Let’s get together on May 18th for a guided tour of the Santa Clara Preserve in Santa Paula with Kat Selm! The Santa Clara Preserve spans almost two miles of the amazing Santa Clara River waterway and encompasses nearly 1,000 acres of upland habitat and riverbed.
There are few locations on the Santa Clara River that are accessible to the public. Now with the opening of this preserve, The Nature Conservancy has provided a beautiful space for outdoor education, community gatherings, wildlife viewing and hiking. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!
More information:
Group size: 20 people maximum. First come, first served. Limited parking: 26 spaces. Carpooling is encouraged.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 13th: venturac...@gmail.com
Want to support Senior Concerns’ Meals on Wheels program
but don’t want to run? No problem!
Join the Chalice Team for the Love Run to benefit Senior Concerns’ Meals on Wheels program! You don’t even have to run!!!*
You can register for the Chalice “doggie dash” VIRTUAL* run here:
Just select “Doggie Dash - Virtual” and “join or create a Team.”
On the next page select “Chalice” under “Select Team!”
*That’s right - we WON’T be running (except in spirit)!!!
Learn more about Senior Concerns at https://www.seniorconcerns.org
Chalice Tabling at Camarillo Pride
Sunday June 2nd from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Chalice is co-hosting a table at the Camarillo Pride Event with the Ventura UU church. Participants are needed, if you are available to help at the table any time between noon and 4pm on June 2nd. Please reach out to Annie Barker to support this wonderful event.
Want to make a special collection suggestion?
Chalice members are invited to submit a Special Collections Request Form for non-partisan, non-profit organizations whose work is consistent with UU values and principles and is not known to engage in activities which would conflict with UU values and principles. Requests are reviewed quarterly by the Special Collections Review Team.
Saturday, May 11
7:30am AA Meeting
9:00am Citizens Climate Lobby (off site)
9:30am Fellowship Hall Moving Workday
10:00am OA Meeting
Sunday, May 12
10:00am Chalice Worship Service (Zoom 2)
5:00pm Newcomer AA Meeting
Monday, May 13
7:00pm Women's Evening Group (zoom)
Tuesday, May 14
10:00am Gardenia Group (zoom)
6:00pm RE Committee Meeting (zoom2)
7:00pm COSM (zoomN)
Wednesday, May 15
5:30pm Overeaters Anonymous
6:00pm Chalice Portfolio Meeting 6pm at Chalice
6:30pm Finance SVT 1 & 3rd wed. meeting (zoom2 )
7:00pm 3rd Wed. Chalice Circle (Zoom2)
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, May 16
10:30am Jonquil Women's Group (zoom)
7:00pm 3rd Thursday Chalice Circle
Other ways to get involved or stay connected:
Take the Chalice Interest and Skills Survey: A way for newer members to find ways to get involved. How would you like to contribute, work with others, be in community and stay involved at Chalice? Click: Here
Take the Chalice Involvement in Groups, Committees, Social Justice and more Survey: How you are engaging with Chalice at this time. Click: Here
Visiting or new to Chalice and wish to receive and share more about yourself? Take this survey: Let's Get Connected
If you have special news to share with the congregation in Sunday services please write to ad...@chaliceuu.org or Rev Nica at mini...@chaliceuu.org.
Or reach out to us here:
Rev. Nica Eaton, Minister, mini...@chaliceuu.org
Anthony Concepcion, Music Director musicd...@chaliceuu.org
Samantha Dickerson, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration d...@chaliceuu.org
Ana Krista Johnson, Office Administrator ad...@chaliceuu.org or bookkeeper, bookk...@chaliceuu.org
Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.