Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Jill Schlaus
Write a Better Story
Narrative identity is the story we create about ourselves - our own personal myth, so to speak. Our stories can also shape our future, but they're not written in stone. Join us as we begin exploring the theme of story and the possibilities that come with changing our storyline or writing a better story.
Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
You can also view our Livestream on FB:
Introduction - Tim Snowber
Welcome - Jill Schlaus
Call to Worship - Jill Schlaus
Chalice Lighting - Tim Snowber
Opening Hymn - #188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Time for All Ages - “Rain Before Rainbows” by Smriti Prasadam-Halls [Video]
Manna Collection - Tim Snowber
Announcements - Tim Snowber
Singing the Children Out - Anthony Concepcion & Jill Schlaus
Offering Words - Special Collection for World Central Kitchen introduced by Clint Fultz
Offering Music - “Writing a Better Story” written by Carrie Newcomer performed by Jill Schlaus and Anthony Concepcion
Receiving the Offering - Jill Schlaus
Joys and Sorrows - If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
Time of Meditation - Jill Schlaus
Meditation Song - #1031 Filled with Loving Kindness
Sermon - “Write a Better Story” - Jill Schlaus
Closing Hymn - #346 Come Sing a Song with Me
Benediction - Jill Schlaus
Extinguishing the Chalice - Tim Snowber
Closing Words - Jill Schlaus
Postlude - Anthony Concepcion
Please stay after service when we’ll be serving traditional New Year’s Black Eyed Peas and Corn Bread, and then getting into our groups for Neighborhood Networks. If you are here on our campus, we’ll break up into our groups and meet in the following rooms:
10 Degrees Cooler in Room 1 (upstairs and to the left)
Newbury Neighbors in the Lounge (downstairs in Fellowship Hall)
Suddenly Seymour and Eastenders in Library/Board Room (upstairs at the top of the stairs)
Wild West & Meadowood in Nest (upstairs and to the right)
If you are online, stay on Zoom and someone will put you into the appropriate breakout room.