Open to follow along with Chalice Sunday Service

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Chalice Admin

Mar 14, 2021, 12:31:25 PM3/14/21

Solidarity and Racial Justice 

March 14th, 2021 at 10 am

Month Theme: Commitment

Prelude - Anthony Concepcion 

Call to Worship - Reverend Nica Eaton-Guinn

Centering Song - #1058  "Be Ours a Religion" 

Welcome - Rev. Dr. Betty Stapleford, Minister Emerita of Chalice.

Lighting the Chalice - Reverend Tamara Casanova Suzuki, Live Oak UU Congregation, Goleta, California 

Opening Hymn - #188 "Come, Come Whoever You Are"

Time for All Ages - Rev. Dana Warsnop, Ventura UU and Rev. Julia Hamilton, Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara 

Offering Intro - Rev. Rod Richards, San Luis Obispo UU

Offering Video - by Marchaé Grair of BLUU

Offering Music - "For What It's Worth" performed by Billy Porter and Stephen Stills 

Joys and Sorrows - You may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service.

Meditation - Rev. Maddie Sifantus, Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula

Meditation Song - #1040  "Hush"

Sermon - Solidarity and Racial Justice - Shelly Tochluk, author and facilitator of the "Witnessing Whiteness" program. 

Closing Hymn - # 1018 "Come and Go With Me"

Benediction - Rev. Anne Hines, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kern Co. 

Announcements - Reverend Nica 

Postlude - Anthony Concepcion

Chalice Break-out Rooms:

  1. Service Discussion and Newcomers with Reverend Nica 

  2. Check-in/How was Your Week?

  3. Getting to Know You

  4. Social Justice actions and discussion 

  5. 70+ Seniors 

  6. Parents & Young Adults

Solidarity and Racial Justice: 

How do we stand together if we are not all together?

Shelly Tochluk and Rev. Nica Eaton-Guinn

Sunday Service at 10 AM

Please note - this service will be shared with 6 other local UU congregations. Please come early to be able to get on the Zoom, or join our FB livestream.

The last year brought multiple, ongoing crises to the forefront of our minds. Health inequities in the face of a global pandemic. Police violence against Black people. The spread of massive conspiracy theories leading to a white supremacist, anti-democratic insurrection. Calls to stand in solidarity for racial justice have been loud and clear. How do we take action? We are not only physically at a distance. Many of us also feel unsure about what to do. Do we really want to abolish the police? How can we stand in solidarity if we feel conflicted?  How do we bridge the divide?

Watch live on Facebook

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Meeting ID: 209 555 249

Phone: 16699009128

Password: 2020

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