Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Reverend Nica Eaton & Merlin Snider
Repairing Our Hearts
When our hearts have been broken by what's going on in our country, our world, and our own lives, we gather together today to mend them in community. Join us to explore repairing our hearts, so they are strong and resilient for the days ahead.
Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
You can also view our Livestream on FB:
Introduction - Merlin Snider
Welcome - Reverend Nica Eaton
Call to Worship - Reverend Nica Eaton
Chalice Lighting - Merlin Snider
Opening Hymn - “We Shall be Known” by MaMuse
Time for All Ages - “The Mish-Mash Heart” read by Sam Dickerson
Manna Collection - Merlin Snider
Announcements - Merlin Snider
Singing the Children Out - Anthony Concepcion & Reverend Nica Eaton
Offering Words - Randall Edwards Special Collection for Mountain Fire victims through “805 Undocufund”
Offering Music - “Damage” by Trey Henry and sung by Kalen Henry
Receiving the Offering - Reverend Nica Eaton
Joys and Sorrows - If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
Time of Meditation - Reverend Nica Eaton
Meditation Song - #1002 “Comfort Me”
Reflections and Songs on Repairing our Hearts - Reverend Nica Eaton and Merlin Snider
Closing Hymn - #169 We Shall Overcome
Benediction - Reverend Nica Eaton
Extinguishing the Chalice - Merlin Snider
Closing Words - Reverend Nica Eaton
Postlude - Anthony Concepcion