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Chalice Order of Service 12.1.24 10am

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Chalice Admin

Dec 1, 2024, 11:00:36 AM12/1/24


Onsite & Online ~  10 am 

Shane Niebergall

Being a goldfish - the Happiest Animal on Earth

Ted Lasso is more than a comical hero in a warmhearted series. His wise words about being a goldfish teaches us about the importance of living in the moment. The gift of presence is hard to appreciate, especially as our lives become more and more undated with distractions, worry, and regret. Let us come together and explore why it's so hard to be present, and what we can do about it.

Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am: 

Meeting ID: 209 555 249

Phone: 16699009128

Password: 2020

You can also view our Livestream on FB:

Introduction - Tim Snowber 

Welcome - Shane Niebergall

Call to Worship - Shane Niebergall

Chalice Lighting - Tim Snowber 

Opening Hymn - #388 “I Seek the Spirit of a Child”

Time for All Ages - Samantha Dickerson telling the story, “Peter and the Golden Thread”, written by Robin Sharma.

Manna Collection - Samantha Dickerson

Announcements - Tim Snowber 

Singing the Children Out - Anthony Concepcion 

Offering Words - Special Collection 

Offering Music - “Because” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, performed by Anthony Concepcion 

Receiving the Offering - Shane Niebergall 

Joys and Sorrows - If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to

A Guided Meditation - Shane Niebergall 

Meditation Song - #184 “Be Ye Lamps Unto Yourselves”

Sermon - “Being a Goldfish: The Happiest Animal on Earth” -  Shane Niebergall

Closing Hymn - “Let It Be” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. 

Benediction - Shane Niebergall 

Extinguishing the Chalice - Tim Snowber

Closing Words - Shane Niebergall 

Postlude - Anthony Concepcion

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