Onsite & Online ~ 10 am
Grenda David
The Gift of Presence through Stories of Resilience
Our survival instincts (and the media) encourage us to focus on the worst of what is going on in the world. There is evidence that we are remarkably resilient beings with the capacity to evolve, heal and renew. Presence is the gift of knowing we are not alone as we journey and the holiday season is filled with human rituals of connection and hope that can help us guide our way. Join Grenda as she shares stories of resilience, hope and presence.
Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
You can also view our Livestream on FB:
Introduction - Ayanna Gaines
Welcome - Grenda David
Call to Worship - Grenda David
Chalice Lighting - Ayanna Gaines
Opening Hymn - #168 “One More Step”
Time for All Ages - “The Breaking News” by Sarah Lynne Reul - [Video]
Manna Collection - Ayanna Gaines
Announcements - Ayanna Gaines
Singing the Children Out - Anthony Concepcion
Offering Words - Ayanna Gaines
Offering Music - Offering Music “Carol of the Banjos” arranged and played by Aria and Keith Frankel
Receiving the Offering - Grenda David
Joys and Sorrows - If you are online you may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service or text them to: 805 603-1213. If you are in person please fill out an index card. You can also email your joys or concerns during the week to
Time of Meditation - Grenda David
Meditation Song - #123 “Spirit of Life”
Sermon - “The Gift of Presence through Stories of Resilience”- Grenda David
Closing Hymn - “What a Wonderful World” by Bob Thiele & George David Weiss
Benediction - Grenda David
Extinguishing the Chalice - Ayanna Gaines
Closing Words - Grenda David
Postlude - Anthony Concepcion