In Person & Online Service - 10 am
Reverend Anne Hines
God of Second Chances
We are in the midst of Lent -- one of the most holy times in the Christian calendar. A period of six weeks, Lent calls us to reflect on our lives and our relationships. And it reminds us that God or Life always allows us the opportunity to forgive ourselves and others, and to begin again in Love.
Join us in person or for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am
Meeting ID: 209 555 249
Phone: 16699009128
Password: 2020
February Theme - Vulnerability
Welcome - Reverend Anne Hines
Introduction - Tim Snowber
Call to Worship - Reverend Anne Hines from Rev. Scott Tayler
Chalice Lighting - Tim Snowber adapted from Sarah C. Stewart
Opening Hymn - #188 "Come Come, Whoever You Are"
Time For All Ages - Sam Dickerson - Mussa and Nagib adapted from a story by Malba Tahan
Manna Collection - Sam Dickerson
Offering Words - Jill Lewis introduces video for ADL special collection
Offering Music - "The Cloths of Heaven" by Z. Randall Stroope. Performed by The Chalice Choir under the direction of Anthony Concepcion.
Joys and Sorrows - You may write your Joys and Sorrows in the chatbox during the service if you are online. If you are in person please fill out an index card. Can email them during the week to
Singing the Children Out - Sam Dickerson
Time of Meditation- Rev Anne Hines using “We Begin Again in Love” (#1037)
Meditation Song - # 131 "Love Will Guide Us"
Sermon - "The God of Second Chances"- Reverend Anne Hines
Closing Hymn - # 1008 "When Our Heart is In a Holy Place"
Benediction - Reverend Anne Hines
Extinguishing the Chalice - Tim Snowber
Announcements - Tim Snowber
Postlude - Anthony Concepcion