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Chalice News & Notes 11.8.24

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Chalice Admin

Nov 8, 2024, 5:01:20 PM11/8/24


We Nurture Spiritually Courageous People

Who Transform the World through 

Justice and Compassion

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

Upcoming Events

Nov 9 - Citizen’s Climate Lobby - 9am (Zoom)

Nov 15 - Community Forum -Wildlife Crossing - 7 pm (Zoom)


Nov 16 - Family Community Forum Hike - (open to Chalice only) 10am

limit 25 participants - we will have a waitlist in case of cancellations

please register ASAP: 


Onsite & Online ~  10 am 

Reverend Nica Eaton 

For Times Such as These

On this Sunday after our country's election we gather as a Beloved Community for however we are feeling. No matter what, we are more resilient, hopeful, and courageous together. Come one, come all. You are welcome here. Join us to feel the support of friends and community.

Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am: 

Meeting ID: 209 555 249

Phone: 16699009128

Password: 2020

You can also view our Livestream on FB:

Chalice Lighting

Excerpt of longer piece by Rev. Sara Eileen LaWall

May we remember our shared humanity
Our universal kinship; our interdependence
As we unclench our fists and breathe together
Breathing in love and breathing out peace
May we recognize the spark of the divine inside all of us
Even those we are not quite sure about

In this time of uncertainty
We remember the good will go on
As we work to move forward together
We the people
Seeking that which unites us
With our arms reaching out wide
For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
May love prevail.

Friday, November 15th – 7:00 p.m. PT (via Zoom)

World’s Most Hopeful Construction Site:

Update on the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing


Lauren Gill

National Wildlife Federation – California Deputy Director



The Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing over the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills will be one of the largest wildlife crossings in the world.  Decades of study and planning have led to this remarkable collaborative project which will re-establish ecological connectivity for a multitude of native plant and animal species in the Santa Monica Mountains ecosystem.


“I believe these crossings go beyond mere conservation, toward a kind of environmental rejuvenation that is long overdue.”   -- Wallis Annenberg

Topics to include:

·  Why a wildlife crossing?

·  How this project came together

·  Construction and updates

·  Cougar P-22’s Legacy


Co-sponsors: #SaveLACougars & National Wildlife Federation

Please register for the forum in advance here:

Special Community Forum for 

Chalice families and folk!!!

Saturday, November 16th – 10:00 a.m.


Love Our Wildlife Crossing

Hike to Viewing Spot for the

Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing in Agoura Hills



Lauren Gill

National Wildlife Federation – California Deputy Director




Please join us for this private talk and short guided hike* in Agoura Hills to view the Wildlife Crossing.  Lauren Gill will give us the inside scoop and a bird’s eye view!

Bring your own lunch and camp chair to picnic together under the oaks afterward.

Children attending will receive goody bags!

*suitable for ages 5 and up & those not needing mobility assistance


We’ll begin a waitlist in case of cancellations  

Please register for the family forum in advance here: 

Post Election Resources

We have posted some resources for you on our website. They include support for dialogue, actions for moving forward and mental health resources. Please see:

Share Your Chalice Story

To help us in our search for a bigger home, the Portfolio Team needs your help producing a video (or videos) that will serve to introduce our congregation to the wider Conejo Valley community. 

Here is our ASK: record a video of yourself (horizontal / landscape preferred) telling a short (less than a minute), specific, personal story…IT MIGHT START SOMETHING LIKE THIS:

Because of Chalice…


The reason I keep coming back to Chalice is…


Chalice makes such a difference in my life because…


OR… help someone else tell their Chalice story - by offering to videotape them. Feel free to make more than one video.


Please text or call Casey Dake if you have any questions – (805) 368-0330. If you have ever given a testimonial before offering at a Chalice service, and you are willing to share it beyond the congregation, please let Casey know.


Or simply upload your video to Casey’s Hightail uplink here:



Thank you to all who have brought food donations! We continue to be grateful for your generosity!

And if you have time and energy, we need Volunteers to make Coffee before service. Thank for signing up here: 

hospitality sign ups

Reach out to with any questions

We’d love to hear from you on our social media!

Comment, Like,  and Follow us!

At Chalice, we care about your well-being

Did you know that as part of our regular HVAC maintenance service we have special Hospital grade air filters installed to keep our air clean?  Additionally, we have portable air filtration units in the sanctuary and other rooms including 2 Coway Airmega 400 and 2 Blue Air Pure 211+ systems. We also have face masks available to you in the foyer.

We do this because your health is important to us and this is just one way we put love in action.

Chalice has many Social Action groups 

to engage with on a monthly basis! 

Racial & Cultural Justice Team: 1st Monday zoom meetings at 5:30pm each month.

BIPOC UU Tri-County Collaborative: currently on hiatus

The Citizen’s Climate Lobby Meeting: 2nd Saturday of the month - 9 am 

Chalice Climate Action Team Meeting: 4th Sunday of the Month @ 12:30 Community Forum Team meeting: 3rd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. 

Contact for more information

Consider joining the Chalice Social Justice Facebook group. To learn about latest events supporting Black Lives Matter, Climate Justice and other concerns, click  on:  

Citizens Climate Lobby

Meets Saturday, November 9th  at 9am

Meetings are open to anyone interested in saving our planet! 

Here is the sign-on info: 


Meeting ID: 822 7475 2266

Passcode: 271577 

Saturday, November 9

7:30am AA Meeting - Lounge (staying later for Annual Birthday Breakfast)

9:00am Citizens Climate Lobby

10:00am OA Meeting - The Nest

Sunday, November 10

10:00am Chalice Worship Service Onsite and Zoom 2

5:00pm Newcomer AA Meeting

Tuesday, November 12

10:00am Gardenia Group (zoom)

6:00pm RE Committee Meeting (zoom2)

7:00pm COSM (zoomN)

Wednesday, November 13

6:30pm SVT Leaders 4th wed. meeting

7:00pm Council Meeting (Nzoom)

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, November 14

7:00pm 2nd Thursday UU Ukeleles

Other ways to get involved or stay connected:

Or reach out to us here:

Chalice Office # (805) 498-9548 - Messages will be checked regularly.

Rev. Nica Eaton, Minister,

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

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