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Chalice News and Notes 1.10.25

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Chalice Admin

Jan 10, 2025, 5:01:19 PMJan 10


We Nurture Spiritually Courageous People

Who Transform the World through 

Justice and Compassion

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

Upcoming Events

Jan. 11 - Citizens’ Climate Lobby - 9:00 am Zoom

Jan. 11 - Gen XYZ Drum Circle & Potluck - 5 pm Chalice Lounge

Jan. 12 - Cottage Conversations - Sunday, 12 noon in person at Chalice

Jan. 15 - Cottage Conversations - 6pm on Zoom

Jan. 16 - Cottage Conversations - 7pm on Zoom 

Jan. 22 - Cottage Conversations - Wednesday, 2pm in person at Chalice

RSVP Now! - Cottage Conversation sign ups

Jan. 20 - MLK Day Celebration - Oxnard 8 am Freedom March, 9 am program

Jan. 24 - Community Forum “Climate Justice at the Intersections” - 7 pm on Zoom

Please register for the forum in advance here:

Jan. 25 - Climate Justice Revival - All ages workshop begins promptly at 10am - 2:00 pm at Chalice. Lunch is provided.

Please register in advance for the Saturday Event here:

Jan. 26 - Climate Justice Revival - during & after service at Chalice


2nd Saturdays Starting January 11th 

5pm in the Lounge


Onsite & Online ~  10 am 

Reverend Nica Eaton & Cory Hills

Storytelling with Sound

Special guest Cory Hills uses the power of percussion to deliver fun and engaging stories. While his typical audience is kids, there is much all of us can learn from his adaptations of old folktales, classics, and original stories. Be transported with some of the most unique instruments by this Grammy award-winning, two album-producing artist. Young ones won’t want to miss this interactive treat!

Link for the Zoom Meeting at 10 am: 

Meeting ID: 209 555 249

Phone: 16699009128

Password: 2020

You can also view our Livestream on FB:

Please Note that Breeze recently updated their policies and now requires that you “opt in” in order to receive congregation wide texts. We would use this method of communication for emergencies such as natural disasters or last minute event cancellations. Please fill out the form using this link to opt into the Breeze texting system: 

Enroll to Receive Chalice Text Messages 

Chalice Lighting

To start your day, a meeting, or before a meal

We light this chalice today to illuminate our way toward Love. Inside the womb of this waiting time, we are bathed in sounds, floating in love, growing out of our comfort zone. We experience love, sorrow, pain, and joy. There is a numinous quickening as we await a new world yet unborn.

~ Melissa Jeter

Cottage Conversation sign-ups now!

We hope everyone will consider attending one of the upcoming Cottage Conversations. We view them as a celebration of who we are, how we have adapted to our space, and how much we can accomplish together going forward. We are not just a congregation in search of a new building—we are a community with a vision, a vision that extends far beyond the walls of any one structure. We are excited to offer four opportunities for all members to join in the discussion, celebration and food. 

Sun. Jan. 12th at 12 noon in person at Chalice

Wed. Jan. 15th at 6pm on Zoom

Thur. Jan. 16th at 7pm on Zoom

Wed. Jan. 22nd at 2pm in person at Chalice

We hope you’ll sign up and bring a potluck dish to share if in person. 

Cottage Conversation sign ups

Black Eyed Peas Recipe

We hope you enjoyed our tradition of Black Eyed Peas for the New Year! For those of you interested in the recipe, Grenda David has made it available here:

Grenda adds the following notes: 

  1. I deleted the liquid smoke - I don’t like it.  It adds a chemical taste/smell to the food (and it doesn’t need it).

  2. I used Better Than Bouillon Seasoned Vegetable Base to make vegetable broth.  It adds a remarkable flavor to the dish versus using store bought vegetable broth.

  3. I added way more garlic.  Always do.  Recipes never have enough as far as I’m concerned.

  4. The smoked paprika and the tamari/soy sauce are the keys to the flavor in this dish.

  5. Don’t be afraid to overdo the veggies (red peppers, celery, onion, garlic - I probably put 25% more than the recipe called for.)

  6. It ain’t Louisiana without cayenne.  I added the cayenne but did not put in the jalapeños called for in this recipe - that’s just too much hot for the average person.  Much easier to add than to take away.

  7. I used baby kale versus collard or turnip greens - no time to do all that vegetable washing…and greens are greens.  They are all good for us. :-)

  8. I soaked the dried black eyed peas for a few hours and continued to fill up the bowl as the peas soaked up the water.

  9. I did not use an instant pot.  I used my gumbo pot.


Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, January 20 at 8am 

Plaza Park, 5th Street and C Street, Oxnard, CA

Chalice is invited to Ventura County's 39th Annual MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY “MISSION POSSIBLE: Protecting Freedom, Justice and Democracy”


Monday, January 20 at 8am gather for the "Freedom March" at Plaza Park, 5th Street and C Street, Oxnard, CA.  Hear from local leaders and join with our wider community to walk to Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC).  Note: A free shuttle starts from the Oxnard Performing Arts Center to Plaza Park beginning at 7:30 AM if you park at OPAC.

9am the Observance Program begins at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center, 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard, CA 93030.  Keynote speaker is James Joyce III, a civil rights activist, social entrepreneur and founder of Coffee with a Black Guy.   

$10 admission includes refreshments and vendor exhibits.  Tickets may be purchased from MLK Committee members, at the door, or online.

Climate Justice at the Intersections:

The Interrelationship of Justice Issues and the Possibilities!


Antoinette Scully

Managing Director, Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California


Friday, January 24th – 7:00 p.m. PT (via Zoom)



For a long time, the climate movement has focused almost exclusively on reducing our carbon footprint, reinforcing the artificial silos that separate our justice movements.  Carbon tunnel vision can cause us to overlook the complex related issues that play into the climate crisis and limit our view of possible solutions.  As a movement, we need to recognize the complexity inherent in justice issues like climate change and expand our understanding of climate as an intersectional justice issue. 


Topics to include

·  Beyond carbon tunnel vision

·  From environmentalism to climate justice

·  Future possibilities and success stories


“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”

-Audre Lorde

Please register for the forum in advance here:

Chalice Climate Justice Revival

Saturday, January 25th 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Sunday, January 26th Love in Action Hour after service

Join us and over 370 UU congregations as we take part in the UU Climate Justice Revival! The goal is to enter into a new era of climate action, faithfully dismantling silos and transforming our congregations through inspiring collective worship, creative learning, and new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice.  

Special programming for children and youth will happen concurrently!

Saturday’s activities include: visioning the future, mapping challenges, building capacity, and connecting our joys to our community’s needs.  Lunch catered by Vegan Thyme is included!

To help us with lunch arrangements, please register by January 20th for the Saturday, January 25th 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Event here:

Sunday’s Climate Justice worship service with Reverend Nica will be followed by a congregational lunch and a Love in Action Hour!

Love In Action Opportunities

As a new addition to our Newsletter, we’ve created a document that all can contribute to and reference. This ongoing living document is intended to give us all opportunities to build and strengthen links to the wider community, live out our values and be the change we want to see in the world. Each time one of us participates outside of the Chalice walls we strengthen our interdependent web of life and deepen our resilience. 

Do you know of any events or volunteering opportunities you'd like us to invite our members to participate in?  If so, please share the information here: 


Help needed for Homeless Persons Count

On Wednesday, January 22, the County of Ventura will be hosting the Point-in-Time Count, or better known as the Homeless Persons Count. This annual opportunity allows us to get a snapshot of the number of homeless individuals throughout each city in Ventura County. In addition, the count helps the County to receive necessary funds from Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Many Mansions will be hosting the Count for the Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park areas. Volunteers will go out throughout Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park to canvass individuals who may be homeless. The canvassing includes the use of a smartphone and an app called “Counting Us”. We start at sunrise (around 6am), volunteers will go out in pairs in two-hour shifts, and we end at 12pm. We need your help with completing this critical count. To volunteer, please register using this link. You do not need to have a partner prior to registering.

When registering, please know that you will be assigned to the primary choice of count area that you select, unless otherwise notified. For example, if you select “Thousand Oaks” as your primary choice, but Camarillo and Fillmore as back-ups, you will be going to Thousand Oaks unless you are notified by the county prior to the count. We are trying to recruit 100 volunteers just for the Thousand Oaks area, so we’ve never needed to send volunteers to other cities.

To help you prepare for the Homeless Persons Count, Many Mansions will be hosting two in-person trainings (the same information is covered at each training):

Tuesday, Jan. 14th from 12-1pm

Tuesday, Jan. 14th from 6:30-7:30pm

The County will also be hosting and recording a virtual training for the Count on January 7th from 10-11am via Zoom. Here is the link to join:

Lastly, our Volunteer Manager, Hannah will send out the address for the trainings and count day as we get closer. Just know our shift times will be 6-8am; 8-10am; and 10am-12pm, with the most support needed from 6-8am.

Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions, or struggles with registration



Angie Milne


Community Engagement Coordinator

Many Mansions

Chalice has many Social Action groups 

to engage with on a monthly basis! 

Racial & Cultural Justice Team: 1st Monday zoom meetings at 5:30pm each month.

BIPOC UU Tri-County Collaborative: currently on hiatus

The Citizen’s Climate Lobby Meeting: 2nd Saturday of the month - 9 am 

Chalice Climate Action Team Meeting: 4th Sunday of the Month @ 12:30 Community Forum Team Meeting: 3rd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. 

Contact for more information

Consider joining the Chalice Social Justice Facebook group. To learn about latest events supporting Black Lives Matter, Climate Justice and other concerns, click  on:  

Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Meets Saturday, January 11  at 9am

Meetings are open to anyone interested in saving our planet! 

Here is the sign-on info: 


Meeting ID: 822 7475 2266

Passcode: 271577 


Other ways to get involved or stay connected:

Or reach out to us here:

Chalice Office # (805) 498-9548 - Messages will be checked regularly.

Rev. Nica Eaton, Minister,

Explore our website to learn more about everything we are doing.

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