Dear all,
The closing date for entries to the Lent Bumps for 2024 is Tue 13th Feb 2024 - 23:00pm. All entries and crew lists must be complete by this time. Many of you have started an entry, but not uploaded crew lists.
Please be aware of the rules regarding exceptional status and substitutes. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask, not the day before Bumps.
Please pay attention to:
Rules 1 and 4: Regarding composite crews and exceptional status.
Rule 3: As this is a recent change and requires a declaration.
Rules 5 and 25: Regarding substitutions – if you know you’ll need a substitution it’s good to get this sorted now.
If you have any issues or questions, please email sooner rather than later.
We’ll be in touch shortly with sign-ups for umpiring. Remember, the more umpires your club provides, the fewer marshalling slots you get!
Very best,
David O’Loughlin
CUCBC Exec Committee
Dear all,
There are less than 5 days left until Lent Bumps entries close.
Get your questions, request for subs and any other issues into us ASAP!
Very best,
Ps: Don’t forget to sign up for umpiring!!