Michaelmas Captain's Meeting

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David O'Loughlin

Sep 18, 2024, 6:56:45 AMSep 18
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org, boa...@cucbc.org

Dear Captains,


The Pre-Michaelmas Term Captains Meeting will be held on Teams on Tuesday, the 8th of October, at 6:30 pm. Details, agenda and joining link will follow.

This meeting will include a presentation from me containing some useful info for all captains, as well as the usual updates and announcements.

Attendance at this meeting is mandatory for all Captains. If unable to attend, please contact comm...@cucbc.org to request to nominate a representative from your club.


If you’ve received this and are no longer captain, please ensure that login details have been handed over to this year’s committee.


Looking forward to welcoming you back!

Very best,


David O’Loughlin

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


David O'Loughlin

Oct 4, 2024, 4:17:33 AMOct 4
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org

Dear Captains,


I am attaching the agenda and Teams Link for our Captains meeting on Tuesday.

Just to remind you, attendance is important. If you cannot attend, please let us know and keep committee@ cc’d on all messages.




Very best,


2024 Michaelmas meeting agenda.pdf

David O'Loughlin

Oct 8, 2024, 5:45:50 AMOct 8
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org

Dear Captains,


Apologies for the short notice, but please find attached an updated agenda for tonight.

The CUCBC Senior Treasurer will provide an update on CUCBC finances and Bumps Entry Fees.


The running order has changed to cover items for Vote early in the agenda, and items for note later.  I’ll start the evening with a brief introduction to CUCBC, who we are and what key information you should have as captains – especially useful for those who are new to Captain positions.


As a reminder, attendance is expected and if you cannot attend and wish to send a representative please contact me asap. The Teams link is:



See you tonight,

2024 Michaelmas meeting agenda.pdf

David O'Loughlin

Oct 9, 2024, 12:01:35 PMOct 9
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org

Dear all,


I have attached Minutes and Presentation from last night.

A more detailed email summarising rule changes is due to be circulated shortly.

2024 Michaelmas meeting minutes.pdf
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