Michaelmas Term Rule Changes

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David O'Loughlin

Oct 9, 2024, 1:18:53 PMOct 9
to cont...@cucbc.org, capt...@cucbc.org, co...@cucbc.org, boa...@cucbc.org, Committee

Good evening everyone,


Last night, at the Pre-Michaelmas Term Captains Meeting, two rule changes which will affect rowing this term were ratified:


The first is a change to early mornings. At the Captain’s Meeting, it was agreed that there would be specified Novice—and Senior-only mornings. The exact wording of the rule change is attached below. In brief, Monday and Wednesday mornings will only be for Novices before 9 a.m., and Tuesday and Thursday mornings will only be for senior crews before 9 a.m.

This rule is being trialled for Michaelmas Term 2024 and will be reviewed after Term. It will come into force from Monday 14th of October and remain in place until Fairbairns on the 5th of December.

Adherence to this rule will be enforced by the Early Morning Marshals. For clarity, a novice Cox with a senior crew can boat on senior mornings if they are able to get to the Railway Bridge without intervention from the bank (in compliance with early morning noise). On senior mornings, crews must maintain a minimum of half-crew, full slide rowing to the P&E to keep traffic flowing.


The second change is to the location of Early Morning Marshals. This is in response to concerns regarding antisocial behaviour on the towpath and aims to make EMMs less vulnerable. Marshal 1 starts their shift outside the Combined Colleges boathouse, Marshal 2 at the Footbridge near Pembroke and Emma before joining Marshal 1 at Combined, and both patrol together. The rest of the role remains unchanged.


I’m updating our website with all of this information, and it should be up to date later today.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email comm...@cucbc.org.


Very best,


David O’Loughlin

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


Early Morning Traffic Restrictions

7. That for Michaelmas Term (as a trial in 2024) there be designated Novice and Senior only mornings.

a. That on Monday and Wednesday mornings, no Senior crew be permitted to boat before 9:00am.

b. That on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, no Novice crew be permitted to boat before 9:00am.

c. That on Friday mornings, normal rules apply regarding which crews may boat.

d. That on Senior mornings, all crews must maintain full slide, at least half crew rowing, until Chesterton footbridge where they may begin exercises providing, they allow room for other crews to overtake. This will apply in the 15 minutes after Lighting Down only.

e. Notwithstanding rule 7.a, if a yellow flag is raised, crews eligible to boat under a yellow flag may do so.


Early Morning Marshalling Instructions

EMMs now require high–visibility jackets. If your club does not have any, speak to your Boathouse Manager, who will order/provide some.

Marshal 1 shall take post outside Combined Colleges Boathouse.

Marshal 2 shall take post by the Penny Ferry (Pembroke, Emma) footbridge and join Marshal 1 at Combined between 7:45 and 8:00 once everyone has boated.

Both marshals should then patrol between Riverside and the P&E together, staying mobile.


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