Lower Boats Captains' Course

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David O'Loughlin

Sep 30, 2024, 6:20:29 AMSep 30
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org, boa...@cucbc.org

Dear all,

Captains: Please circulate to LBCs and anyone involved in coaching novices. Copied to Boathouse Managers for information.

CUCBC will deliver a Lower Boats Captains’ Webinar on Monday 7th October at 6:30 pm.

This is a course we used to deliver several years ago that we are reviving. It is aimed at lower boat/novice captains and covers:

  • Useful information from CUCBC 
  • Rules of the River
  • Coaching guide
  • Safety & legal requirements
  • Equipment

We are also working to update the Novice Coaching Manual, which will be circulated after the presentation. Please forward this message to all LBCs and anyone else who is interested.

We hope you can join us: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDI2MGQxOTItYzc0Ny00MGFkLWExMmQtM2I0OGQ4ZTUwZDIy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2249a50445-bdfa-4b79-ade3-547b4f3986e9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227c94db59-9174-4693-b2a1-8c4c4b896e18%22%7d

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Very best,

David O’Loughlin
CUCBC Honorary Secretary


David O'Loughlin

Oct 8, 2024, 5:36:17 AMOct 8
to CUCBC Captains, comm...@cucbc.org, boa...@cucbc.org

Dear all,


Captains – please circulate to LBCs.


Many thanks to those who attended our LBC Webinar last night. It was excellent to see over 50 people in the first iteration of this course since the pandemic.

As I mentioned last night, the course aims to provide a foundation, and the fundamentals needed to deliver a Learn to Row programme. The session plans won’t be applicable to everyone but may prove useful when designing sessions. We’re going to continue to develop and improve on this course year-on-year with contributions from Coaches and the Boathouse Managers.

The slides are attached. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me a message.


Very best,


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