Attention Captains!
As one of the first events of the new year, Queens' is proud to host once again, QErgs24, the UK's second largest indoor rowing competition, in Fitzpatrick Hall, Queens' College, on
Sunday, 3 November 2024! As always this will be primarily a novice-focused event with additional categories for senior and youth crews. This is a great opportunity to showcase your newest club rowers and get them energized for the season!
More details will be forthcoming including registration information and entry fees, however, as the term is quickly approaching, we wanted to ensure the event was already on every club's calendar!
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions in advance.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Brian J. Cuce | MSt International Relations
QErgs President, Queens' College Boat Club
Queens' College | University of Cambridge