Get-PDF What the Hex BY : Alexis Daria

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amilayuka amilayuka

Aug 11, 2021, 10:40:30 AM8/11/21
to Adinmala
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Book details
Title: What the Hex
Author: Alexis Daria


Book Descriptions: Welcome to Isla Bruja, a secret magical enclave near Miami and home to the richest and most powerful Latinx witch families.When Catalina Cartagena returns home for her older sister�s wedding, she�s shocked to discover that her soon-to-be brother in law is possessed by a demon. To make matters worse, everyone else seems to be under the demon�s spell�except for Diego Paz, younger brother of the groom and Cat�s childhood rival. With only three days until the wedding, Cat must join forces with her sexy nemesis to break the spell and defeat the demon. If they fail, demonic forces will control two of the most powerful witch families on Isla Bruja.There�s only one bed at the magical B&B, and it�s time for these witches to get wicked�in more ways than one.


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