BIU seminar today - change of location

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Arnold Filtser

Mar 15, 2023, 3:23:26 AM3/15/23
to BIU Theory Seminar,
Hello all,

The lecture will be in building 605 room 14. 
The building is behind the new CS building, please refer to this map:
We have this room for the rest of the semester.

See you there at 12!

Location:  Building 605 room 14
Speaker: Clifford Stein (Columbia university)
Title: Scheduling with Speed Predictions
Algorithms with predictions is a recent framework that has been used to overcome pessimistic worst-case bounds in incomplete information settings. In the context of scheduling, very recent work has leveraged machine-learned predictions to design algorithms that achieve improved approximation ratios in settings where the processing times of the jobs are initially unknown. We study the speed-robust scheduling problem where the speeds of the machines, instead of the processing times of the jobs, are unknown and augment this problem with predictions. In this talk, we give an algorithm that simultaneously achieves, for any x < 1, a 1 + x approximation when the predictions are accurate and a 2+ 2/x approximation when the predictions are not accurate. We also study special cases and evaluate our algorithms performance as a function of the error.
Joint work with Eric Balanski, TingTing Ou and Hao-Ting Wei, all at Columbia.
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