Kicking off our governing documents review process

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Kevin Roche

Jul 10, 2023, 8:41:13 PM7/10/23
to ICG Board Online Meeting, ICG Costume Chat
Hi Everyone -- 
I hope you are having a summer full of costuming opportunities!

I want to avoid my failure last year of to launch a proper review of our corporate governing documents. Our By-Laws and Standing Rules have some structural and logical deficiencies for the reality of the ICG in today's world. 

If you are interested in being on the committee to review and prepare an updated version of those documents, please let me know by filling out the form at

So far, 3 members have stepped up to work on this; I'd like to have twice that to get things rolling, and I'd really like to have the revision available for ratification at next year's Annual Meeting.

Note -- I've been part of two costume-related non-profit bylaws revisions over the last 4 years and learned enough from those to write up some guidance for the process, so we won't be working in a vacuum. 


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