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Lifetime Achievement Award Nominations

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Kevin Roche

Feb 24, 2023, 9:34:04 PM2/24/23
to ICG Announcements, ICG Costume Chat
The deadline for nominations was Monday Feb 20th, and I received only one nomination.

However -- there were several people nominated previously who have not received the LAA, as there can be only one awardee per year. I still have those nominations in my files, and since they were (obviously) received before this year's deadline, I am willing to reactivate them on request.

If you nominated someone previously and wish to reactivate that nomination, DO NOT REPLY to this email.
Send a separate email to telling me which nomination you wish to reactivate.

Any such reactivation requests must be received by Monday, February 27 at 23:59 Pacific time to be considered.

Kevin Roche
ICG President
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