specify at minimum build number?

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Chris Barker

May 19, 2022, 1:54:57 PM5/19/22
to conda
I'm still confused about how conda handles build numbers. I would expect that it would ALWAYS install the highest build number available (as long as it meets the requirements), but I'm finding that that's not always the case.

So how can I say I need:
package foo
version >=2.0
largest build number.

or even a specific version, but a minimum build number?

You can specify a specific build, but that's not what I want -- I just know that build_0 in this case, is broken, so I want t make sure I don't get that. but if a newer bld becomes available, or even a newer version, I want to be able to use it (I really try to keep my requirements as minimally pinned as possible


I'm setting up a pretty complex set of requirements, but the problem is here:

(note, the spec file has as little pinned as possible)

I require: py_gd
py_gd requires libgd
libgd requires (among many other things) libiconv -- which is provided by the OS on Linux.(where I'm having this problem)

However, when I specify py_gd in my spec file, everything gets installed, but It installs:

  libgd-2.3.3                |       h6ad9fb6_0

(even though there are newer builds)

and the environment doesn't work :-(, with a link to the wrong version of libiconv, which I think is supplied by the OS on Linux (it's a conda dependency on OS-X)

If I immediately run:

conda update libgd

Then it installs:

 libgd-2.3.3                |       h18fbbfe_3

and it all works.

And it ALSO updates a LOT of other stuff. I'm a bit confused as to why running an update immediately after a big install would update so much -- that's another confusion.

Any help here?



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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