[HT Australia] Everything is Energy and Connected - Lipton - A New World is Essential

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Clem Clarke

Dec 9, 2021, 1:05:51 AM12/9/21
to Australia All Group
Greeting everyone,

Dear friends of mine in Bermagui recorded this. It really has to
happen.  The earth is being destroyed and Calvinists and Pentecostals
etc seem to be determined to kill the earth to make profits. We can't
eat money.  We know this.  Change is essential and I am so pleased to
see Pope Francis doing his best.

I hope you enjoy this 4 minute video Sol and Shanti - "A New Earth":

Pope Francis says everything is connected frequently.  Here is one
example: https://institute.mercy.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Everything-is-connected-reflection.pdf

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, says "We are not human beings having a
spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human

Scientist Dr Bruce Lipton seems to me to be saying the exact same
thing in different words. And my own experiences seem to be the same
(see my notes below).

I wonder if you would care to comment? 


Clem Clarke

Everything is Energy - Former Professor Bruce Lipton: (4:24 minutes):
Bruce Lipton: We Communicate Through Energy (4:40 mins)

A longer video that combines the above and adds more (14 minutes) by
Bruce Lipton:
4 False Beliefs that Society is Built On - Dr. Bruce Lipton

A much longer video with more information, Marianne Williamson with
Bruce is here - an hour - https://youtu.be/w7n_yxND-2Y

Some notes by Clem Clarke

DRAFT 3 Dec 2021  Clem Clarke Warracknabeal

Decades ago, I was in a class at the School of Philosophy in Hawthorn,
Victoria, Australia.

During a break, I had the realisation that thoughts are "out there",
and that they were coming into my brain.  I also realised that my
brain or mind had the ability to tune into certain frequencies, a bit
like a radio tuner. It seemed to me that we could alter our "tuning"
and allow certain thoughts in.  Over the years since then, I have
wondered what a thought might be. And I also realised that you can
visualise yourself as a sort of overseer, and watch or feel these
thoughts. And that you can step outside your body and let it run on
automatic, and you can guide it by remote control - like your
conscious mind can step in every now and then, and just gently direct
the mind or the body to do something different.

In the decades that have passed, I attended a lecture given by
scientist Dr. Bruce Lipton in Perth.  He spoke about his work on
genes, and Epigenetics. He says that genes can be controlled by the
mind, and that genes do not control us.  In later lectures and videos,
Dr Lipton explains how each cell in our body is controlled from
outside of ourselves.  He talks about the Field (see the short video).
More, he talks about everything being Energy and that energy fields
have no containers, and mix together.  If thoughts are simply energy
fields, then they could mix together, and individuals could tap into
these energy fields, or thought patterns.  This would explain how
calculus was independently developed at three different places in the
world simultaneously.

The heart has a memory and brain cells too. It communicates with the
brain (see the Heartmath organisation). Some people think that te
heart has a connection with the Field.  And the HeartMath Institute
shows that the heart puts out a magnetic field or force of about 15
feet around each of us.  Thus, two nearby people can communicate
through their hearts directly, too.

Many of us talk about good and bad "vibes".  Vibrations are merely
another way of describing frequencies. And frequencies are an
expression of energy.  We can see some frequencies as colours, and we
can feel others as heat. Radio and TV waves carry information -
thoughts, pictures and words produced by others.  Other frequencies
are undetectable by us, and we have no idea what they are for.

Other researchers such as Professor Sheldrake, Lyn McTaggart, Gregg
Braden and many others have similar views about the Field.  The Pope -
who is scientifically trained - says everything is connected.

What an interesting world we live in.

Humanity's Team Australia
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