Greetings everyone.
Humanity's Team. Humanity seems to need a bit of teamwork now - more than ever!
Neale Donald Walsch Says "Politics Are Spirituality (and Love) Demonstrated."
India is suffering temperatures of 50 and even 60 degrees. The human body starts to stop functioning and begins to die at about 50 degrees. This is the future of our planet unless we do something about it.
Prime Minister Morrison has been using his Pentecostal religion to justify many of his decisions and attitudes. His Calvinist based religion and his malignant narcissism are doing great damage to Australia, and indeed the planet. It is interesting to note that Jim Jones was a Pentecostal and was responsible for the Jonestown Massacre where 900 died.
I think Morrison is part of a Death Cult for the planet. Coal mining, "fracking" and so on are destroying the environment and hence us. If the planet cannot support us, then nothing much matters, does it?
And that clearly leaves the Liberal National Party (LNP) out...
I found that the Pope and the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury had issued a joint statement about protecting the planet and so I put together the attached flyer. I also have written to the Pope and the Archbishop suggesting that they might like to issue a new statement about voting intentions. You can see letters that I have written to every Archbishop in Australia here: religion is a bit on the nose these days, this flyer just might help a few people to vote for what is right, and not just mammon or destroying the planet to make uneatable money.
I hope you can support this idea somehow. Maybe you could print one or two of these and put them up on a notice board, or in your own church? And perhaps spread this message or even just the picture around?
You can download a printable copy here: sincerely,
Clem Clarke
9 Things You Should Know About Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre