2024 Data Camp!

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Kim Popetz

Dec 7, 2023, 4:31:56 PM12/7/23
to crdds...@colorado.edu, curc-...@colorado.edu

Join the Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship and our friends from CSU on January 9-11, 2024, 10 am-5 pm each day, for our Research Data Camp. As data-based research becomes a common practice, skills in data management, data analysis, and computational thinking are increasingly important for applied researchers. The Camp will provide a gentle introduction to data and programming-related research tools that will increase their access to cutting-edge methods as they pursue their programs and research. Topics covered include reproducible research and data management; tools for collaboration and sharing (using GitHub and GitHub Pages); data analysis and visualization fundamentals in Python and R; and an overview of interdisciplinary data practices and ethics. No previous experience in coding or programming is required.

Space is limited, register today!


Warm wishes,




Kim Popetz (she/her)

Event & Outreach Coordinator

Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship

University Libraries

University of Colorado-Boulder


Hours: M-Th, 10am-3:30pm



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