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[Officers] Google for Non-Profits Migration

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Webminister for the Shire of Coill Tuar

Jan 7, 2018, 6:05:15 PM1/7/18
Greetings Officers!

I have been asked by the Kingdom Webminister to collect the following
information in order to get our group transitioned over to GfNP.

Please reply to me with the following information:

Member #
SCA first name (no titles)
SCA last name / byname / etc. (if not provided, "of groupname" will be
Modern first name
Modern last name
Officer Email
Personal / Recovery email

The faster I can get this compiled and up the chair, the faster we can
become compliant with this new step for support for the Kingdom.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

- Lorenz *.:

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