Ergo stopped loading files: $flora:unallowed_query_lock

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Robin Bloomfield

Apr 17, 2023, 3:27:34 PM4/17/23
to ErgoAI and XSB Users Forum
I have a problem with ErgoAi on my M1 studio.  ErgoAI has been working fine but now when I try and load a file I get a message:

++Abort[Ergo]> unhandled exception: _$flora:unallowed_query_lock

I have tried reinstalling, rebooting etc but this hasn't fixed it.I havent done much to my machine other than install office on it since it was working and updated to Ventura 13.3.1.

The IDE loads fine and the file opens in the Editor. The install summary says everything OK.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

best wishes


Michael Kifer

Apr 17, 2023, 5:13:57 PM4/17/23

I understand that this is for the old version of ErgoAI, not for the open-sourced one, right?

I see that you switched to the new test release, so please discard the old version.


       --- michael


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