Arunay Foundation Walk-a-thon Volunteering

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Esha Bansiya

Oct 29, 2023, 7:43:50 PM10/29/23
to D12E Members
Hey Superheroes!

We have a new division wide service event coming up next Sunday!

In honor of Arunay, a middle schooler who was carried out and lost to sea, the Arunay Foundation works to educate about beach safety and equip beaches with equipment to keep residents safe. 

Arunay was a student at BASIS Independent Fremont, one of our schools in Division 12 East. This event is a great way to give back to our community and honor one of our very own students. 

This is also a walk-a-thon/race so if you know anyone interested in participating, please encourage them to join. You can learn more information here:


WHEN: Sunday, November 5th with shifts from 6:30am to 2pm and in between
WHERE: Quarry Lakes Regional park

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Heroes of Service, 

Esha Bansiya (she/her)

Division 12 East Lieutenant Governor 2023-2024

Region 17 | Cali-Nev-Ha District

Key Club International

Follow the Division Instagram! @d12east

“They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible.” —Bolt

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