'cf push' ignoring vendored dependencies with python

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Mar 9, 2015, 2:38:54 PM3/9/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
I'm trying to use the standard python buildpack here to push a python app (specifically, graphite-api: https://github.com/brutasse/graphite-api). I've followed the instructions on the buildpack page to store the dependencies in the vendor/ directory, but when I run 'cf push' it seems to ignore the dependencies there and doesn't upload them, giving me missing dependency errors at runtime. I don't have any .cfignore files and am using a very simple manifest so I don't know why cf push seems to ignore the .tar.gz files. Any help would be much appreciated.



Mar 9, 2015, 4:42:43 PM3/9/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, kyl...@gmail.com
Hi there!
   I got graphite api working but I had to make some changes. The requirements.txt needed cffi for buildpack to install it and I installed gunicorn to run it. https://github.com/longnguyen11288/graphite-api I made changes here. Also there is a need to set environment to GRAPHITE_API_CONFIG /home/vcap/app/config.yaml and that should get the API up and running. Note you need to change config to point to right carbon.

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