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Accessing all instances

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Stephen Byers

Nov 24, 2014, 6:09:34 PM11/24/14
I hope this is the right place to ask this.  I would like to know if there is a way to ask the router for a list of all endpoints it is directing traffic to for a particular service name.  Specifically, if metrics are streaming from the individual nodes (like Hystrix dashboard metrics) I would like to know all of the nodes so something like Turbine could consolidate metrics into a single dashboard.  Any ideas how I could go about getting the list of the instances to achieve this?  I know it may be counter to many cloud concepts because the individual execution nodes matter in this case and I believe Turbine is being re-written to accommodate this in the future, but it is not fully there yet.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Etourneau Gwenn

Nov 24, 2014, 8:18:11 PM11/24/14
Ask to the CC ? !
listen to Nats  ? 

Or just use curl -vv http://statususer:statusp...@router.ip:8080/routes :)

James Bayer

Nov 25, 2014, 12:38:22 AM11/25/14
if it's simply a particular application you want to get instances for your org/space that you have access to, then you can make a call to the stats endpoint [1] which you can see on the apidocs site [2]. you can use the "cf curl" command for that. that only accounts for a particular app though and is only a point in time that may change. to be comprehensive you should list all of the apps for a particular route, and then all of the stats endpoints for each app together.

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Thank you,

James Bayer

Stephen Byers

Nov 25, 2014, 10:18:43 AM11/25/14
I think #1 will work perfectly for this scenario.

Thank you!

Stephen B.

Jan 5, 2015, 5:35:29 PM1/5/15
I am trying to determine the series of API calls to retrieve the instance information.  It seems pretty straightforward except I cannot seem to figure the appropriate way to generate the authorization token.  I tried to turn on tracing for the CF CLI and mimic the behavior with curl just to make sure I understood it, but I have not yet been successful.  I am using the initial "admin" user and password and thought I could use that to generate a token from the UAA and then call the CC REST API to get the app information, but I'm struggling a bit.

James Bayer

Jan 6, 2015, 1:51:52 AM1/6/15
try following along with the interactions from the oauth-token command:
CF_TRACE=true cf oauth-token

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Stephen B. <> wrote:
I am trying to determine the series of API calls to retrieve the instance information.  It seems pretty straightforward except I cannot seem to figure the appropriate way to generate the authorization token.  I tried to turn on tracing for the CF CLI and mimic the behavior with curl just to make sure I understood it, but I have not yet been successful.  I am using the initial "admin" user and password and thought I could use that to generate a token from the UAA and then call the CC REST API to get the app information, but I'm struggling a bit.

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Daniel Mikusa

Jan 6, 2015, 8:12:37 AM1/6/15
Other options:

1.) Run `uaac` with the `-t` option.  It'll dump trace info similarly to what James suggested with `cf`.

2.) Check out the api docs here.  They walk through the different flows to get a token and show examples with uaac and curl.


Stephen B.

Jan 6, 2015, 1:36:13 PM1/6/15
I tried turning trace on and doing a "cf oauth-token", but it was always doing a token refresh because I was already logged in and the command will not work if logged out.  Alternatively, I used the "uaac" command line with trace turned on.  By observing what the uaac command did, I was able to retrieve a token by going directly to the uaa endpoint rather than the login endpoint (which is what cf cli does), using "grant_type=client_credentials", and using Basic Auth.  I took the token I received back and made a request to the CC to list all apps by sending a GET request to [API_endpoint]/v2/apps with the Authorization header set to "bearer ENCODED_TOKEN_STRING".  I always get an error code 1000, Invalid Auth Token.

Stephen B.

Jan 6, 2015, 2:50:07 PM1/6/15
A bit more information... I did validate that I am able to execute calls against the UAA with the token I received back as documented above.  I can query users (/Users), clients (/oauth/clients), etc., without any problems.  The fact that the token works when talking to the UAA makes me wonder if there is a permissions problem or if going directly to the UAA to get the token without going to the login endpoint caused some sort of problem.  I would have expected some error related to scope had it been a permissions problem, but I am quite new at this.

Stephen B.

Jan 6, 2015, 3:37:49 PM1/6/15
I'm going to answer my own question here in case someone else has this problem or if there is a better way to do it and someone wants to correct me.

The problem all along was with the permissions.  The way I resolved this was:
  1. Used the uaac client tool to add another client to the UAA.  The documentation does say clients must be registered, but I completely missed how that was done.  I executed the following command to create a client that can interact with the CC:  uaac client add cc_client --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities cloud_controller.admin
  2. I made a POSTed a call to the UAA to get a token (/oauth/token) using payload "grant_type=client_credentials" and basic auth with cc_client as the username and the password I assigned upon client creation.
  3. I was then able to use the returned token to make a call to the CC api to retrieve all applications (api.[domain]/v2/apps) and, furthermore, to retrieve the individual stats (api.[domain]/v2/apps/[APP_GUID]/stats) as James had suggested above.
I'm not sure if there was a better way, but this seems to work.

Thanks for everyone's help,
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