I'm going to answer my own question here in case someone else has this problem or if there is a better way to do it and someone wants to correct me.
The problem all along was with the permissions. The way I resolved this was:
- Used the uaac client tool to add another client to the UAA. The documentation does say clients must be registered, but I completely missed how that was done. I executed the following command to create a client that can interact with the CC: uaac client add cc_client --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities cloud_controller.admin
- I made a POSTed a call to the UAA to get a token (/oauth/token) using payload "grant_type=client_credentials" and basic auth with cc_client as the username and the password I assigned upon client creation.
- I was then able to use the returned token to make a call to the CC api to retrieve all applications (api.[domain]/v2/apps) and, furthermore, to retrieve the individual stats (api.[domain]/v2/apps/[APP_GUID]/stats) as James had suggested above.
I'm not sure if there was a better way, but this seems to work.
Thanks for everyone's help,