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Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 1:47:23 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Hi All,
          After so many hurdles, I had successfully deployed CF on vSphere with all your kind help. Now, am facing some issue when try to push some sample JAVA Application. CF PUSH throws the following,

cf push HelloWorld -p ./HelloWorld.war
Using manifest file /root/HelloWorld/manifest.yml

Updating app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Uploading HelloWorld...
Uploading app files from: ./HelloWorld.war
Uploading 570, 3 files
Done uploading

Stopping app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Warning: error tailing logs
Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization
Starting app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170003, message: An app was not successfully detected by any available buildpack

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information

Could anyone on this issue??

Any Help is Greatly Appreciated..

Thanks in Well Advance..

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 2:20:46 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Could you provide your manifest?

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 2:32:42 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org

- name: HelloWorld
  memory: 512M
  instances: 1
  url: api.
  path: ./HelloWorld.war


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cloud Foundry Developers" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/cloudfoundry.org/d/msgid/vcap-dev/eb13807a-7a76-4b6e-a061-f33dee0a77dd%40cloudfoundry.org.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to vcap-dev+u...@cloudfoundry.org.

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 2:34:33 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Please add:

host: helloworld

and run it again.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 2:43:25 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Johannes, now after modification, it throws the following,

cf push HelloWorld -p ./HelloWorld.war
Using manifest file /root/HelloWorld/manifest.yml

Updating app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Creating route helloworld4.

Binding helloworld4. to HelloWorld...


Uploading HelloWorld...
Uploading app files from: ./HelloWorld.war
Uploading 570, 3 files
Done uploading

Stopping app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Warning: error tailing logs
Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization
Starting app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information

Thanks in Well Advance..

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 2:47:02 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Run: cf logs HelloWorld --recent

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 2:51:08 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Johannes, FYI,

cf logs HelloWorld --recent
Connected, dumping recent logs for app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...


Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization

Confusing error about authentication.. But, I have given the exact credentials only..

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 2:52:59 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Did you log in? And if, with which credentials?

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 2:54:16 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Johannes, following shows about the login steps,

cf api
API endpoint: https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
[root@ie1aul0414 HelloWorld]# cf login
API endpoint: https://api.

Email> admin


Targeted org pivotal

Targeted space FIEDEL

API endpoint:   https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
User:           admin
Org:            pivotal
Space:          FIEDEL

This is what the steps i followed to login..



Apr 20, 2015, 2:57:16 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Hi ,

Please check with your user credentials being given to the space to upload the application.

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 2:57:40 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Execute the cf push with CF_TRACE=true in front.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 3:05:39 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
@Narendra.. What is that space credentials?? I have set the api and logged in successfully also with my credentials.. Or How to know the SPACE Credentials??


Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 3:06:56 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
@Johannes, FYI,

    "updated_at": "2015-04-20T07:18:50Z"
  "entity": {
    "name": "HelloWorld",
    "production": false,
    "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
    "stack_guid": "c2d4dd6c-4ea4-4c43-8833-5bb731d6a34d",
    "buildpack": "https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git",
    "detected_buildpack": null,
    "environment_json": {
      "JBP_LOG_LEVEL": "debug"
    "memory": 512,
    "instances": 1,
    "disk_quota": 1024,
    "state": "STARTED",
    "version": "876a06c6-0582-41ce-816c-f42cdc9046de",
    "command": null,
    "console": false,
    "debug": null,
    "staging_task_id": "1e7b84d9ab1a45e38f8024aa651735ad",
    "package_state": "PENDING",
    "health_check_type": "port",
    "health_check_timeout": null,
    "staging_failed_reason": null,
    "diego": false,
    "docker_image": null,
    "package_updated_at": "2015-04-20T07:18:46Z",
    "detected_start_command": "",
    "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
    "space": {
      "metadata": {
        "guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
        "url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
        "created_at": "2015-04-16T06:42:04Z",
        "updated_at": null
      "entity": {
        "name": "FIEDEL",
        "organization_guid": "a56433c4-4b22-45e7-88a8-a5c1cf688185",
        "space_quota_definition_guid": null,
        "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/a56433c4-4b22-45e7-88a8-a5c1cf688185",
        "developers_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/developers",
        "managers_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/managers",
        "auditors_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/auditors",
        "apps_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/apps",
        "routes_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/routes",
        "domains_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/domains",
        "service_instances_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/service_instances",
        "app_events_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/app_events",
        "events_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/events",
        "security_groups_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5/security_groups"
    "stack_url": "/v2/stacks/c2d4dd6c-4ea4-4c43-8833-5bb731d6a34d",
    "stack": {
      "metadata": {
        "guid": "c2d4dd6c-4ea4-4c43-8833-5bb731d6a34d",
        "url": "/v2/stacks/c2d4dd6c-4ea4-4c43-8833-5bb731d6a34d",
        "created_at": "2015-04-15T15:21:30Z",
        "updated_at": null
      "entity": {
        "name": "lucid64",
        "description": "Ubuntu 10.04 on x86-64"
    "events_url": "/v2/apps/92472403-cbb5-4c8c-b9e8-569f5c6d8091/events",
    "service_bindings_url": "/v2/apps/92472403-cbb5-4c8c-b9e8-569f5c6d8091/service_bindings",
    "service_bindings": [

    "routes_url": "/v2/apps/92472403-cbb5-4c8c-b9e8-569f5c6d8091/routes",
    "routes": [
        "metadata": {
          "guid": "609bf930-d94d-4df1-8d7c-3fdd823c822f",
          "url": "/v2/routes/609bf930-d94d-4df1-8d7c-3fdd823c822f",
          "created_at": "2015-04-17T04:14:16Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "HelloWorld-wheelless-liturgism",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
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        "metadata": {
          "guid": "73a079ec-c36d-4d89-b32e-f8de851a1b2e",
          "url": "/v2/routes/73a079ec-c36d-4d89-b32e-f8de851a1b2e",
          "created_at": "2015-04-17T04:23:46Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "HelloWorld-nontenable-tippet",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "domain_url": "/v2/domains/9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "apps_url": "/v2/routes/73a079ec-c36d-4d89-b32e-f8de851a1b2e/apps"
        "metadata": {
          "guid": "7c0fa0a6-feeb-413f-af41-cdd948ea672e",
          "url": "/v2/routes/7c0fa0a6-feeb-413f-af41-cdd948ea672e",
          "created_at": "2015-04-17T04:41:02Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "HelloWorld-subsatirical-dbl",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "domain_url": "/v2/domains/9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "apps_url": "/v2/routes/7c0fa0a6-feeb-413f-af41-cdd948ea672e/apps"
        "metadata": {
          "guid": "8d5130bb-fc5c-4d12-a3f3-ba0c6724c8c3",
          "url": "/v2/routes/8d5130bb-fc5c-4d12-a3f3-ba0c6724c8c3",
          "created_at": "2015-04-17T05:09:17Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "HelloWorld-unstaunchable-commensurability",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
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          "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
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          "created_at": "2015-04-17T06:26:23Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "HelloWorld",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
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        "metadata": {
          "guid": "51037c9e-f9a3-49cc-8ac9-823d5d80c9a4",
          "url": "/v2/routes/51037c9e-f9a3-49cc-8ac9-823d5d80c9a4",
          "created_at": "2015-04-17T07:15:22Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "cloudfoundry",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
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          "domain_url": "/v2/domains/9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "apps_url": "/v2/routes/51037c9e-f9a3-49cc-8ac9-823d5d80c9a4/apps"
        "metadata": {
          "guid": "abc89a66-aece-4032-9a65-c3313d52925a",
          "url": "/v2/routes/abc89a66-aece-4032-9a65-c3313d52925a",
          "created_at": "2015-04-20T06:54:46Z",
          "updated_at": null
        "entity": {
          "host": "helloworld4",
          "domain_guid": "9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_guid": "a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "domain_url": "/v2/domains/9367cf88-2fab-48ab-9110-7a4f4ae9587d",
          "space_url": "/v2/spaces/a1aef548-4b79-4ccd-9125-2282736e4fb5",
          "apps_url": "/v2/routes/abc89a66-aece-4032-9a65-c3313d52925a/apps"

REQUEST: [2015-04-20T07:18:07Z]
GET /v2/apps/92472403-cbb5-4c8c-b9e8-569f5c6d8091/instances HTTP/1.1
Host: api.
Accept: application/json
Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: go-cli 6.10.0-b78bf10 / linux

RESPONSE: [2015-04-20T07:18:07Z]
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:20:28 GMT
Server: nginx
X-Cf-Requestid: 31692138-6352-4f1b-437e-df84bb1b0336
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Vcap-Request-Id: 0bd9b04e-f79f-418f-6fd7-dc74e9fccfb2::e23102cd-43f1-4607-9a7e-4444ffb9dc8f

  "code": 170002,
  "description": "App has not finished staging",
  "error_code": "CF-NotStaged"

REQUEST: [2015-04-20T07:18:12Z]
GET /v2/apps/92472403-cbb5-4c8c-b9e8-569f5c6d8091/instances HTTP/1.1
Host: api.
Accept: application/json
Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: go-cli 6.10.0-b78bf10 / linux

RESPONSE: [2015-04-20T07:18:12Z]
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 136
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:37:08 GMT
Server: nginx
X-Cf-Requestid: a05cbdd4-deb5-44ec-73b4-0cbfd5c3bd09
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Vcap-Request-Id: 48e22e5f-413b-4b52-66aa-c76be2e0126a::56576e08-1718-4f86-8aab-de90b6495aab

  "code": 170004,
  "description": "App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase",
  "error_code": "CF-BuildpackCompileFailed"


Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information


Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 3:11:25 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org

and cf logs HelloWorld --recent still returns the authentication error? You already logged out and in again?

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 3:15:25 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
@Johannes, still logged in only..


Johannes Hiemer

Apr 20, 2015, 3:20:19 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
Parthiban I asked two questions:

"cf logs HelloWorld --recent still returns the authentication error?"

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 3:23:50 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
@Johannes.. Sorry for the confusion.. Yes, still it shows the authentication error only for cf logs HelloWorld --recent and am still logged in only..


Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 3:24:57 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
@Johannes.. FYI,

cf logs HelloWorld --recent
Connected, dumping recent logs for app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization

Message has been deleted


Apr 20, 2015, 4:02:48 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
You can check your space credentials by looking at your space or org with cf org-users and cf space-users.

I have found however this does not give proper output on my system.  Alternatively you can check this via the developer console / apps manager web interface, which is at console. from there you can check on your members to the org or space and see there roles. 

"admin" however should automatically have SpaceDeveloper role set in all created spaces, which should allow you to push apps.


Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 4:38:50 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
@Brian.. Thanks for your reply.. In my case, cf org-users throws the following,

cf org-users pivotal -a
Getting users in org pivotal as admin...

Failed fetching org-users for role USERS.
Server error, status code: 500, error code: 10001, message: An unknown error occurred.

and cf space-users throws the following,

cf space-users pivotal FIEDEL
Getting users in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin

Failed fetching space-users for role SPACE MANAGER.
Server error, status code: 500, error code: 10001, message: An unknown error occurred.

Seriously, I dont know what wrong i did..

Could you please help on this issue??


CF : 202(Version)
IaaS: vSphere

Thanks in Well Advance..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cloud Foundry Developers" group.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 4:40:56 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
@Brain.. This is what the steps i followed after deploying the CF to login and push,

cf api
API endpoint: https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
[root@ie1aul0414 HelloWorld]# cf login
API endpoint: https://api.

Email> admin


Targeted org pivotal

Targeted space FIEDEL

API endpoint:   https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
User:           admin
Org:            pivotal
Space:          FIEDEL

cf push HelloWorld -p ./HelloWorld.war
Using manifest file /root/HelloWorld/manifest.yml

Updating app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Using route helloworld4.

Uploading HelloWorld...
Uploading app files from: ./HelloWorld.war
Uploading 570, 3 files
Done uploading

Stopping app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Warning: error tailing logs
Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization
Starting app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information



Apr 20, 2015, 4:42:03 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org
I am assuming your using self-signed certificate for HAProxy.

When you did your original cf api and cf login commands did you add --skip-ssl-validation?  It is recommended to do this when using self-signed certificates.


Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 4:45:51 AM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
@Brian.. I am using self-signed certificate only but after modification also its not working..

cf api https://api. --skip-ssl-validation
Setting api endpoint to https://api.

API endpoint:   https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
User:           admin
Org:            pivotal
Space:          FIEDEL
[root@ie1aul0414 HelloWorld]# cf login --skip-ssl-validation

API endpoint: https://api.

Email> admin


Targeted org pivotal

Targeted space FIEDEL

API endpoint:   https://api. (API version: 2.22.0)
User:           admin
Org:            pivotal
Space:          FIEDEL
[root@ie1aul0414 HelloWorld]# cf push HelloWorld -p ./HelloWorld.war

Using manifest file /root/HelloWorld/manifest.yml

Updating app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Uploading HelloWorld...
Uploading app files from: ./HelloWorld.war
Uploading 570, 3 files
Done uploading

Stopping app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Warning: error tailing logs
Unauthorized error: You are not authorized. Error: Invalid authorization
Starting app HelloWorld in org pivotal / space FIEDEL as admin...

Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

TIP: use 'cf logs HelloWorld --recent' for more information


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cloud Foundry Developers" group.

Brian Feeny

Apr 20, 2015, 1:16:21 PM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
I am not sure what is wrong.  But the fact that you can't use cf logs, cf org-users, cf-space users and that you get other permissions issues, tells me that some component of your installation is not able to talk to another.  I thought the culprit may be SSL, you mentioned you were using a self-signed cert, so I simply suggested you add --skip-ssl-validation to your api and login commands.  I wonder if you have a password or secret set wrong somewhere.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 20, 2015, 11:57:04 PM4/20/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, Brian Feeny
Thanks Brian for your valuable suggestions.. But, if the password wrong means how am able to login to the CF using CF LOGIN?? In login no problems am facing, while pushing application only am facing the issue..

Any Help is appreciated..


Parthiban A

On 20 April 2015 at 22:46, Brian Feeny <bfe...@mac.com> wrote:
I am not sure what is wrong.  But the fact that you can't use cf logs, cf org-users, cf-space users and that you get other permissions issues, tells me that some component of your installation is not able to talk to another.  I thought the culprit may be SSL, you mentioned you were using a self-signed cert, so I simply suggested you add --skip-ssl-validation to your api and login commands.  I wonder if you have a password or secret set wrong somewhere.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cloud Foundry Developers" group.

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 21, 2015, 1:15:43 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
Parthiban I think Brian is right. There is not only one password to log you in (this password for admin for example is used via login against uaa to authenticate you). In the backend of CF you have your cloud_controller coordinating the work against api and api_worker, which need also be authenticated during execution. So what you should do, is ssh in your cloud_controller and take a look at your looks. Afterwards we can continue debugging. What you can check as well is the fact if in your deployment.yml all your endpoints are prefixed with https.

Brian Feeny

Apr 21, 2015, 2:09:20 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
Parthiban shared his ~/.cf/config.json with me and I noticed his UAA endpoint was http not https.  I thought this was odd, because he said he set up self-signed certificates, which I would think that would mean SSL for the UAA.  

Originally his commands weren't using --skip-ssl-validation, and he had no errors.  If UAA was indeed using SSL it would likely have errored, forcing him to add --skip-ssl-validation.  

It may be best to start off using the same secret/password everywhere, and configure only what is required, no extra bells/whistles until you have a working deployment.


Johannes Hiemer

Apr 21, 2015, 2:10:32 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, brian...@gmail.com
Totally agree Brian.

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 21, 2015, 2:42:11 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, Johannes Hiemer, Brian Feeny
@Johannes and @Brian.. Thanks a Lot for your replies.. Let me check my deployment again..


Parthiban A

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Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 21, 2015, 4:45:04 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, Johannes Hiemer, Brian Feeny
@Brian and @Johannes.. Now I need to change all the password to same password on manifest,also the domain endpoint as https and again i need to do the fresh deployment right??

Or something else?? Since, this is the first time i have successfully deployed CF, so am very cautious about the re-deploy..

Thanks in Well Advance..

Johannes Hiemer

Apr 21, 2015, 4:53:36 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, jvhi...@gmail.com, brian...@gmail.com
Hi Parthiban,
this is correct. Just change the values and do a bosh deploy.

Be aware that you need to change the following settings as well:

ssl: skip_cert_verify: (( merge || true )) and no_ssl: false


Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 21, 2015, 4:56:12 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, Johannes Hiemer, Brian Feeny
Thanks Johannes for your instant clarifications. Let me try..


Parthiban A

Parthiban Annadurai

Apr 21, 2015, 5:58:52 AM4/21/15
to vcap...@cloudfoundry.org, Johannes Hiemer, Brian Feeny
After modifying the manifest and tried to deploy again, but it throws the following,

Director task 66
  Started preparing deployment
  Started preparing deployment > Binding deployment. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding releases. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding existing deployment. Done (00:00:01)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding resource pools. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding stemcells. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding templates. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding properties. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding unallocated VMs. Done (00:00:00)
  Started preparing deployment > Binding instance networks. Done (00:00:00)
     Done preparing deployment (00:00:01)

  Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Done (00:00:00)

  Started preparing dns > Binding DNS. Done (00:00:00)

  Started preparing configuration > Binding configuration. Done (00:00:02)

  Started updating job uaa_z1 > uaa_z1/0 (canary). Done (00:01:42)
  Started updating job uaa_z2 > uaa_z2/0 (canary). Done (00:01:12)
  Started updating job api_z1 > api_z1/0 (canary). Failed: `api_z1/0' is not running after update (00:10:29)

Error 400007: `api_z1/0' is not running after update

Task 66 error

For a more detailed error report, run: bosh task 66 --debug

Previously for this issue, bosh cck will solve the problem but now its not able to solve..

Could anyone on this??



Apr 21, 2015, 6:22:14 AM4/21/15